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    Mobile Apps Are Altering The Travel & Tourism Sector For Good

    Amit Shukla

    Tourism and Technology: How Technology Can Revolutionize the Tourism Sector

    Technology is changing the way we travel, and new advances promise to make our experiences even more exciting and interactive. Do you want to know what holds for the near future?

    Travel App


    1. Mobile technology

    Mobile phones have become our tour guides, travel agencies, the best restaurant locators, maps, and more. We will accompany you at all stages of the purchasing process.

    As a result, company communications and services will need to be adapted to these devices.

    The system sends the booking information, and boarding pass or flight status updates to the user via this channel after purchasing the ticket. Therefore, users can keep all the information in their hands and have their favorite applications available without having to download other apps.

    Travel-planning app development-banner-1

    Also Read: How AR Technology Is Reshaping the Travel & Tourism Industry?

    1. Augmented reality

    Augmented or virtual reality has also slipped into the world of tourism, and the truth is that it is on the rise for all the possibilities it offers. It is being used by an increasing number of companies to display potential customers in the cabins of cruise ships.

    Today you can teleport to the most remote places on the planet without ever leaving your sofa. Thanks to the Everest VR application, you can visit the world’s roofs without climbing to the top. If you prefer, you can kayak across the Grand Canyon while enjoying the views and sounds of this place.


    Also Read: AR Based Mobile Apps – How they Are Revolutionizing the Travel & Fashion Industry?

    1. Internet of Things ()

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that promises to bring great news to the tourism industry. It consists of the incorporation of internet-connected sensors in physical objects such as cars, suitcases, buildings…

    IoT Applications Development-bannert-22

    Also Read : Top 10 IoT Trends for 2021 and Beyond

    1. assistant

    We all know Siri and Alexa, Apple, and Amazon voice assistants that meet our needs.

    Hotels are also starting to get this help, thanks to the creation of a voice assistant specifically created for this environment.

    It’s an open technology that companies can use and adapt to their needs. In this way, the assistant is determined by the hotel rather than being called Watson.

    Voice App Development

    Also Read : A Complete Guide to Build a Voice Assistant App like Alexa

    1. Big data

    Much has been said about big data these days, but all the possibilities it offers in the tourism sector have yet to be revealed.

    You can search your database to look at spending, reputation, travel reasons, nationality, etc. You can match that information with public data from your country of origin to determine the most appropriate profile and achieve higher success rates. In this way, you can better segment your campaign for better success and optimized investment.

    Big Data

    Also Read : Unleash the Combined Powers of Business Intelligence and Big Data for Business Advantage

    1. Blockchain

    Blockchain, as we know it today, is a technology that promises to transform the world. Although it is mostly related to the financial world, it also seems to have the potential to impact the tourism sector.

    Blockchain Technology

    Also Read: How Much Does it Cost to Build An Application Based on Blockchain?

    1. 5G

    Technology in the tourism sector is closely linked to 5G networks. Data upload and download speeds are much faster, coverage is wider, and connections are much more stable. 5G allows you to download content 20x faster, but it also allows you to develop and implement technologies that were limited by 4G. This means that connections between smart devices will be much more efficient. You will be able to enjoy the Internet and more.

    Thanks for reading it.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.