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    AMP: A Revolutionary Initiative For The Mobile Experience

    Amit Shukla

    Globally more websites are being accessed through a mobile device making it the most dominant device and enforcing a complete facelift in design parameters – fast loading mobile-first is the way to go.

    Google’s AMP (or Accelerated Mobile Page) is an open-source project developed in collaboration with publishers, technology companies, and content creators to deliver a fast-loading mobile-first online development environment. An AMP-compliant web page will load almost immediately on mobile devices making browsing on mobile a better experience.

    It has created endless opportunities for companies, service providers, publishers, and advertisers alike. Though AMP is being mostly used by content publishers, all web designers should plan for making their websites AMP compliant. It is already available for CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, or Sitefinity. According to amproject.org, AMP websites are loading up to 4Xfaster while using 10X fewer data.

    AMP: A Revolutionary Initiative For The Mobile ExperienceKey Benefits of Google AMP

    AMP Websites:

    • Maintain flexibility and control the complexity in code. Use CSS to customize your styling; use dynamic data to fetch the latest data on demand.
    • An open web, free from government or private control, is supported by AMP, an open-source initiative.
    • Faster loading web pages improve UX and therefore business metrics, across all devices and platforms.
    • Building AMP websites is easy, and you can convert your old websites within days.
    • AMP is used by leading platforms like Google, Bing, Twitter, etc.
    • AMP pages are cached on Google and other platforms for near-instant loading. The cache has a validation system to guarantee that the page works and is not dependent on external resources. Also Read: Everything You Want to Know About Tech Stack for Your Web Development Project

    AMP Web Stories

    • AMP’s Web Stories provide publishers a mobile-first format for delivering news in a visually rich and tap-through story.
    • Web Stories offer a new set of advertising prospects to reach a larger audience with a uniquely immersive experience.
    • It is now technically easy to make, produce and publish Web Stories using Google AMP.
    • Web Stories allow rich content–Images, videos, and GIFs; Text and audio; Animations and interactions.
    • They allow predefined but customizable layout templates, standardized UI controls, components for sharing them, and components to add threads and replies.
    • They support detailed analytics for viral sharing and monetization.
    • Web Stories load lightning fast to keep your audience engaged and entertained.
    • AMP: A Revolutionary Initiative For The Mobile ExperienceAMP Ads
    • Web Stories have robust monetization capabilities for publishers using full-screen immersive story ads and affiliate links. For advertisers, Web Stories are a new way to reach a target audience with a unique storytelling experience.
    • AMP supports ads that are fast, safe, compelling, and effective for users.
    • As more clients embrace AMP and more users consume AMP content more businesses are going to position themselves and adopt AMP.
    • APM allows controlled end-to-end experience – no other parties can modify or add things, eliminating unexpected surprises.
    • Optimized AMP ads are easy on the battery life of mobiles, and lead to AMP compliant pages that are as fast and streamlined.
    • AMP supports both traditional ads and the new AMP-HTML ads.
    • A collaborative community means that AMP designers have produced a rich library of great-looking ad templates, demos, and examples.
    • AM Pads are flexible and dynamic, allow many formats like carousel, parallax, and lightbox.
    • With AMP it is easier to measurable viewership authentically so that you can monitor performance in real-time and adjust the budget accordingly.
    • Maximize your revenue by allowing 5x faster load speed 3x lighter ads guaranteeing that ads behave as intended and users always have a positive experience.
    • AMP ads are verified before being served and are safe, helping to build trust in the brands.

    Hope this article helps you to understand the AMP role. Thanks for reading it.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.