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    Role of JavaScript in Building Software Products for Business?

    Amit Shukla

    Choosing the right programming language is significant to influence the overall success of a product. It is quite a daunting task for beginners. Each programming language has specific traits, benefits, and drawbacks. The programming language you choose for products can make it successful no matter whether your organization is experienced or a start-up. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages used all over the world.

    Widely used frameworks of JavaScript

    Some of the most popular frameworks of JavaScript are as follows:

    1. Angularjs

    AngularJS Development Solutions

    Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks that is supported by a tech giant as Google. This position is unlikely to change in the near future. Despite this, the popularity of Angular seems to have reached the maximum limit possible. Due to this, the complex nature and relative inflexibility are in great use.

    Also Read: Why Angular Framework Is Well-Known for Modern App development?

    1. Reactjs

    ReactJS Development

    Nobody denies the fact that the Facebook-supported framework leads in the software products for business. ReactJs quickly has gained popularity and changed front-end development. It was originally developed by Facebook engineers who can solve the problems of Facebook to prevail in React. However, this is an incredibly convenient framework.

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    1. Vuejs

    Hire VueJS Developer

    Recently, Vue has entered the stage and rapidly becoming popular. Despite this, it is one of the fastest-growing JavaScript frameworks. The professionals predict that it will overtake React in the next few years. The growing popularity is due to the exceptional flexibility and ease of use of VueJs.

    Also Read: Top Reasons Why Vue.js Is Becoming the Most Trending JS-based Framework in 2021

    1. Nodejs

    NodeJS Web Development Solution

    Node has the ability to support front-end and backend coding which made it the preferred framework for those who thought that JavaScript is the best choice. Earlier, NodeJs has evolved from a simple framework to a large part of the JavaScript ecosystem. Thus, it is likely to remain an important framework.

    Also Read: Why should you go for Node.JS Development than Others?

     Consequences of using JavaScript: Role of JavaScript in Building Software Products for Business?

    Today, JS is used everywhere from automating simple tasks to building complex software applications. There are some of the common uses of JavaScript, including the following:

    a.Website development – JS is widely used by developers across the globe to build robust, interactive, and dynamic websites with rich user interfaces.

    Web Development Services

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    b.Web applications – JS offers various frameworks that make it possible to develop complex web applications with minimal effort.

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    c.Web server – With the advent of frameworks like Node.js and Express.js, developers can easily build scalable web server apps via the least investment and effort in JS.

    d.Mobile applications – With JS frameworks, you can maintain a mobile application development process that can be deployed to both iOS and Android.

    Enterprise Mobile App Development Company

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    e.Gaming applications – JS offers the most popular game development engines with powerful features and tools to build incredible gaming apps.

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    f.IoT devices – The IoT is revolutionizing at a fast pace. A large number of JS frameworks, especially Node, are widely used in building efficient IoT systems. This is due to its event-driven nature and open-source availability.

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    g.Virtual Reality – JS helps you create VR experiences. The powerful JavaScript APIs help you merge the internet and get going.

    Virtual Reality Development


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    Thanks for reading our post “Role of JavaScript in Building Software Products for Business?”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.