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    Fundamentals of marketing your mobile app successfully

    Amit Shukla

    In today’s modern world, every business requires more than a mobile website. It is important for you to grab the attention of the Smartphone generation and influence them to use your mobile app. But how do you spread the word about your business application? There are hundreds and thousands of live Android and iOS mobile applications available for users. According to research, the total number of Android apps in the Google Play Store is 2.7 million apps and Apple App Store consists of more than 3.06 million apps.

    Earlier, people used to consider marketing agencies for your app promotion. Today, your business can easily earn recognition in the mobile app industry by collaborating with a leading tech-based media house. There are some effective tips that will certainly help you with in-app marketing, including:

    Enterprise Mobile App Development

    1. Analyze your Competitors

    Every business must analyze its competitors at first. For this, you need to know the demographics of your competitors like real user base, overall reach, target market, and other details of similar nature. Always remember, a small user base will create a strong effect. You can simply select a particular type of audience and build a database with crucial user information. This will further help you in contacting your target audience again at the peak time of marketing your mobile app.

    1. Pre-Launch Marketing

    Pre-launch marketing is something that the next big technology app development company has adopted. It helps you to create an impact with your app by marketing even before your app is launched in the respective app store i.e. Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Due to the availability of millions of apps, you must use a pre-launch marketing strategy that lets you create a buzz in the market.

    1. Social Media Platforms

    A great mobile app marketing strategy includes using different social media platforms like Quora, Twitter, Linked In, Facebook, and Instagram to spread awareness for your business. Additionally, these social media platforms act as a great medium to know the thinking of your target audience about the specific app. There are two main approaches to successful social media platforms including organic and paid promotion. An app owner can easily run paid ads about their application and highlight some unique features that are offered by the mobile app.

    1. Influencer Marketing

    Today, influencer marketing has become a common tactic for promoting a digital product/service. Due to this, a large number of brands and companies are reaching out to influencers related to their particular field of the genre. For instance, a top app Development Company that developed an e-commerce mobile app will get in touch with a lifestyle influencer for promoting the app to their followers on different social media platforms. This marketing strategy aims to build an authentic as well as a mutually beneficial relationship with the influencer that will go a long way in providing assistance to promote your mobile app.


    On Demand Mobile App Development

    Also read: How On-demand mobile apps are significantly transforming your business?

    Nobody can deny the fact that a big idea followed by an amazing mobile app also requires a top-notch marketing push. Therefore, you must ensure that your mobile application uses the target user base to install the app.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.