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    Why Choose Progressive Web Apps Development over Native Mobile App?

    Amit Shukla

    Web app Development Company has created many job opportunities and indirectly demonstrating to us that the users are using devices to a large content. Did you ever think about which kind of app development does your business benefit from? If you haven’t thought then this article is for you. Web app developers are proficient in their approach and their assistance can help us construct any application with great comfort.

    Here is our discussion point: Why Choose Progressive Web Apps Development over Native Mobile App

    What is progressive web app development?

    Do you know progressive web app development benefits businesses to a large extent? We will discuss those benefits shortly. PWA is a web application that is constructed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This software can run on any platform paving way for all kinds of users. This is really appreciable.

    Now let us find out what is a native mobile app:

    It is generally a software application that is intended to run on any smartphone or androids.

    Now let us try to find out “why to choose progressive web apps development over native mobile apps”?

    1. Accessible and easy: Progressive web apps

      are flexible to manage. The website can be accessed by using any web browser and the user doesn’t need to download the app and browse using it.

    1. Reasonable:

      PWA’s are developed at a very reasonable and faster rate. Websites are easily built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    1. Self-determining

      Website can be accessed even offline which assists users in browsing the stores at any time with ease.

    1. SEO optimized

      Undoubtedly PWA’s are SEO optimized as they have URLs, it is very easy for the users to find a website using a search engine.

    Advantages of PWA over native mobile apps:

    PWA apps Native mobile apps
    1.      Inexpensive a.      Expensive
    2.      Easy to develop b.      Complex to develop
    3.      Easy accessibility c.       Users have to download and install

    As discussed above, we now can understand why PWA’s are preferred by businesses over native mobile apps. Even though native mobile apps are cross-platform compatible and offer few advantages when compared to PWA’s, PWA’s are becoming increasingly popular due to cost-cutting. It is not expensive to develop a PWA and hence PWA’s are used by many reputed global organizations. Whereas native mobile app requires the user to download the app from i-store and few other steps are needed for the customer to follow to access the store. According to the survey which was held recently, it was proved that many customers do not like installing apps and accessing the site. Most of them are browsing the store sites using a web browser rather than downloading and installing. Native mobile apps are dying due to this conduit reason.


    PWA’s are creating a great transformation in the web world. You will definitely find that PWA’s are of best use and easy to develop as well. If you need to create any web applications, then why not prefer PWA’s. Also, web app developers are available easily and they can be hired to get your work done. If a native mobile app is to be developed, you should know about the complexities and difficulties involved in creating the app, and also budget must be calculated and fixed, due to the high price convoluted in the process. Hope you too would choose PWA over the native mobile app. Good luck!

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.