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    Top 10 Android App Development Trends to Look Out for in 2023

    Amit Shukla

    Android is the most popular mobile operating system by far. It has 85% market share and 3.04 million apps in the Google Play Store (OS). These apps have everything from simple tools like calendars and web browsers to complex games and business management systems.

    When making a mobile app, developers usually use Android. Because Android apps are easy to find and use, they are the future of the app market. In addition, Android app development is always changing to keep up with new standards and technologies and meet the needs of both businesses and consumers.

    There will be a lot of big changes in the Android app development world in 2022.

    Android’s popularity has gone through the roof, a big part of that is because the platform has a better user interface. However, to be successful in the ever-changing field of mobile app development, you need to act in ways that will be expected in the future.

    Before you hire a professional app development company to make you an Android app, you should learn about the latest trends in Android app development. So let’s look at some of the most cutting-edge trends in Android app development that will change industries in 2022.

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    Android makes it easy to install apps.

    Even though there are a lot of instant apps in Android app development, they are just starting to catch on. The point of Android Instant apps is to let users try games and apps without having to first download and install them on their phones. They save web users time and effort because they don’t have to install the app before they can browse.

    This tech is useful for both online stores and video games. Instant apps don’t take up more space on smart devices and cause fewer system problems. Important benefits include:

    • Using all Android apps without downloading them.
    • Having a better user interface and user experience.
    • Having more storage space.
    • Being compatible with all Android devices.

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    Blockchain technology allows for decentralized app development solutions that increase openness and eliminate any chance of unwanted access or middlemen. Furthermore, these solutions are made possible by strong security standards.

    This is the best alternative to Android app development for businesses in banking, currency exchange, and other financial fields. PWC found that Blockchain technologies are being used by 84% of organizations worldwide.

    There will be a lot of big changes in the Android app development world in 2022

    AI and machine learning are on the rise (AI)

    Because cloud computing gives any company access to a huge amount of computer resources, it is now much easier to make AI models that can help with existing processes or do previously impossible jobs. Accenture says that thanks to new AI, productivity can go up by as much as 40 percent.

    The strength and weaknesses of AI innovation lie in how solutions can be changed. You can use them to automate a wide range of tasks, such as image recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and data analytics.

    Also, only the process of training needs a lot of computing power. So the trained neural network we have now can be easily used on smart devices without putting too much strain on the CPU.

    Systematic growth on several platforms (Flutter)

    Google’s new Flutter technology is how Android apps will be made in the future. With this framework, you can make apps that look and work like they were made for iOS and Android phones. This platform is liked by many programmers who want to make mobile apps because it is modular and easy to change.

    • Using Flutter has many benefits, such as:
    • Real architecture from the area
    • Training should be easy

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    Flutter has been added to Android app development, one of the most recent changes. Software developers use Flutter all the time when making apps.

    Popular apps like Reflectly, Alibaba, and Google AdWords are all made with Flutter. Both are great in terms of how they work and feel to use.

    Chatbots and Google Assistant In 2022, more startup founders and business owners will want to promote their services and content by adding Google Assistant to their apps.

    The main benefit of this integration is that it makes it easier for people to use your app from within the Assistant. In addition, using App Actions, Google Assistant can be a deep connection to certain features in your mobile app.

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    The Tech Behind Beacons

    Beacon technology is becoming increasingly popular in business because it helps companies target customers more likely to make their money. Beacons are devices that send out signals and can talk to other mobile devices in the area. They send information to the devices in question about nearby places to stay, discounts, and other deals from local businesses.

    Because of this, more and more people want to add this technology to their favorite Android apps. In addition, this connection can be very helpful for places that sell things or serve food. Therefore, it is expected that the number of ways that iBeacon and similar devices will be used in advertising will grow significantly.

    Also read : Would An Android App be a Better Solution for A Start-up?

    5G stands for 5th Generation Mobile Networks.

    5G networks are so much faster than 4G that it’s hard to imagine. With its high radio frequency and speed of 100 GBPS, 5G technology is better than how the world’s 1.4 billion mobile devices send and receive data. With 5G, you can build an app with many features that boost productivity at work and on the Internet of Things. (IoT)

    Smartphones are quickly becoming the center of daily life because they can keep track of emails, meetings, contacts, and much more.

    A packet of jetpacks that run on Android

    The Android Jetpack is a complete set of tools, standards, and libraries for making Android apps that are at the cutting edge. The main goal of this set is to make programming tasks that are often done easier. If you want to use Google’s tools, it’s easy to get started because the company’s documentation is clear and easy to find.

    It has four main parts: the user interface, how it acts, how it is built, and it’s base. One of the newest ways to make Android apps is to use the Android Jetpack, making apps easier.

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    Thanks for reading our post “Top 10 Android App Development Trends to Look Out for in 2022”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.