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    Revamping Your Website: How Much It Costs?

    Amit Shukla

    Getting Started:

    Every website is highly important for marketing tools and sales. It is the best way to get an inbound marketing strategy outcome.

    Website is the best destination for consumers to explore before any purchase. It ensures reliability to the consumers regarding the service or the company.

    It is understandable to know about the value of every inbound marketing process. This is the main reason websites are continuously evolving and getting better.

    Currently, they are more mobile-friendly faster and sleeker than before. This enables the consumer to get quick access which is highly helpful.

    Website is the best for the consumer, but it is difficult for most marketing management. We live in a world where competition is growing every second.

    It is important to step up our game to stand among the crowd. This is why we need to approach modern business with our website.

    The first step we can take is redesigning the current website. However, the main question that comes to mind is the cost of revamping the website.

    It depends entirely on the website and various other factors that need to be discussed. Many custom-built websites could cost a fortune in the long run.

    Most businesses have no idea regarding the cost of the website redesign. We are here to help with all the information we can give.

    Also read : Major Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website Redesign


    Cost to Redesign Own Website:

    The cheapest option is to redesign or build our website using the template. The cost could range from around $200 to $3000.

    Although the cost we are paying in this matter is the difficulty and the time. It is understandable that the less money we spend, the more time we need to invest.

    Most importantly, the outcome would not be the one we should be expecting. This happens due to our ability to complete the coding process.

    Although any startup business with a limited budget needs to work with a small investment. Multiple affordable website themes can be selected.

    The process would cost around $30 to $100. It is also important to understand that the performance, functionality and usability will differ.

    It would entirely depend on the themes used for the redesigning. The level of customization also depends on the theme we choose.

    It is also a hassle to update the theme and include any out of the box template. It is important to look for positive reviews before selecting any theme.

    This will enable us to edit any theme without having any technical skills. Several website builders offer quick backend editing.

    They offer instant visual features with lots of modules to integrate. Most importantly, they also offer widgets that help unique formatting and styling.

    It is important to install the framework and select the theme we like. We also need to consider the marketing capabilities along with integration.

    Several options offer quick service for $300 per month. Most importantly, they offer a drag and drop builder facility.

    Also read : 10 Best Things to Aim for Website Redesign


    Cost to Hire Freelancer for Website Redesign:

    The next step we can hire a freelancer for website redesigning. Freelancers have different levels of talent which need to be considered.

    It is entirely depending on the goal we are trying to achieve. According to reports, we can easily hire freelancers for $2000 to $5000.

    This ranges from developing a simple website. For a bigger website, it would cost around $10,000 to $20,000+.

    The bigger website will have more added features, design, and professional aesthetics. The process is entirely different from developing our website.

    But we need to keep in mind that we will get a different experience from different freelancers. Even talent and ability is one of the major factors in this case.

    The more experienced freelancer, the more cost will go up. While we choose freelancers, it is expected to have a functioning and good-looking website.

    They take the ideas from the client and create mock-ups. They will work on the preference depending on the feedback.

    In some cases, they can draw up entirely on the requirement by description. They can suggest multiple options for improving the user experience.

    The only problem with freelancers is that they can make or break the project. The project delivery could take time due to multiple projects on hand.

    But they are the best option if you are not willing to redesign yourself. Look for the skill and budget fit freelancer to complete your project.

    It is important to remember that the project time could depend on the complexity.

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    Cost to Hire Web Development Company for Website Redesign:

    The final and best option is to hire an experienced web development company. They are well capable of handling website design projects.

    The company will offer seasoned experts with a lot of experience in different projects. Their major goal is to deliver the best redesigning service for websites.

    Although their service with the cost for more compared to previous 2 options. According to reports, even a simple website redesign could cost around $15,000 to $30,000.

    It entirely depends on the website’s size and the number of page counts. A few factors are involved, including unique requirements and custom functionality.

    An extreme level of the website will cost around $40,000 to $75,000+. The amount could be high compared to the previous options.

    But they will offer far better outcomes and design compared to previous ones. Most importantly, they will deliver the project within the promised time.

    They have more experience to convert proper optimization and integrating user experience. They work on the website as your valuable asset.

    It is important to focus on the website to achieve the goal of the business. The agency is responsible for delivering powerful and effective website redesign.

    It will help in boosting the lead generation for the business. Most importantly, every agency can work with a site map architecture.

    They need to understand the website’s structure that the users will navigate through. They will also look onto every confidential business document to properly structure them.

    Most importantly, they maintain confidentiality and reliability.

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    Thanks for reading our post “Revamping Your Website: How Much It Costs?”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.