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    Mobile App development post Covid-19

    Amit Shukla

    The current situation is completely abnormal and definitely, it does take time to return to normal circumstances. Every business operation has come to a standstill. Post pandemic world might bring a lot of changes in terms of technology. Undoubtedly, to increase productivity many processes may be computerized as we are now getting used to social distancing to reduce human to human proximity.

    As we are facing many challenges in our day-to-day lives due to the pandemic, our technological advancements would help us calibrate and face the challenge in a much bold manner.

    We are going to look at a lot of transformations in terms of mobile app development post-covid-19 era.

    1. 5G:

    5G connectivity will become popular once the pandemic ends because the internet providers are working on and it will take some time to align and update with technology as well.

    As most of them are working from home amid pandemics, this kind of swift connectivity would prove beneficial in the current situation. Moreover, the market regarding 5G connectivity would transpire at the earliest possible time. This kind of technology not only benefits software workers but also students.

    A survey conducted reveals that the new 5G technology users would be around more than 1 billion by the end of 2023. Obviously, the internet speed compared to 4G would be greater.

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    1. AI – Artificial intelligence:

    AI is one of the significant trends that is put into use by some of the business sectors already. And, this AI technology would be completely useful because of one important reason. People during this pandemic situation are preferring to shop for whatever they require online. And, at this point, AI seems to play a very important role.

    To get used to the changes and overcome challenges occurring at this time of the pandemic, the application of AI would prove much instrumental.

    AI would be favorable especially for the retail and supply sectors. The customer who shops online can feel a personalized overview and experience as well with the use of AI and also aid in finding out contemporary procuring patterns.

    AI tools to aid in examining vast data to understand the patterns, recognizing speech and face, artificial creativity, foretell human behavior, recognize handwriting, etc. So, these many benefits can be made use of by the businesses after the pandemic ends.

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    1. AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual reality):

    AR is augmented reality and it is put into use by many industries. These AR applications aid in observing or viewing the image in live mode using smartphones and AR incorporates digital components.

    AR is prominently used in gaming and moreover, business sectors are also showing interest in using this AR technology so that the customers perceive a new and fresh touch of technology.

    VR is virtual reality where the persons feel a real-world kind of experience. There are VR devices such as headsets to feel the touch of VR technology. People during this time of pandemic are quarantining themselves at their homes and they are showing interest to explore virtual travel terminus, entertainment, etc.

    People tend to interconnect through VR platforms too – VRchat, AltspaceVR, etc.

    Business sectors are also using VR technology for many purposes such as to train their employees, interact with their employees, attend forums, etc. – There is a VR software called Nanome (Molecular exploration and design) where scientists are using this tool as the platform to fraternize regarding the covid-19 treatments in order to produce effective drugs and so on.

    Moving forward, we would foresee many changes in terms of interactions and connections that would happen with the help of AR and VR in the future once the pandemic subsides.

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    1. Voice add-in:

    Voice usage is the best in today’s scenario due to rising fears of spreading covid-19 when people tend to use their fingers to surf or browse on their mobile devices.

    Already voice feature is appended in many mobile applications to facilitate hand-free search and this practice is substantially going to increase once the pandemic subsides.

    This technique is also going to be put into use in smart-home devices as well. If smart home devices such as switches, TVs, plumbing, alarms, ring video doorbell, and kitchen appliances, etc. append voice function it would be an advantage so that the users might not need to touch them with their hands.

    1. Cloud technology:

    Cloud computing was attempting to become popular till before the pandemic and definitely once the pandemic ends, there would be increased usage of this technology.

    Cloud-based technology not only aids in preserving a large amount of data unaffecting the device storage but also aid in reaching the servers which are remote.

    Cloud computing is becoming very important during this time of pandemic for students who would want to attend online classes or persons who want to hold a video conferencing session and so on.

    Be it business or an educational institution, cloud computing technology is going to bring in a lot of transformation once the pandemic subsides as there may be a need to implement this kind of technology into mobile applications as well.

    It would also be an impossible task to entertain the people isolated at home during this time because Netflix and many other entertaining technologies depend largely on cloud computing.

    Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO go, Hulu, etc. Use cloud-based technology.

    Moreover, websites such as Freelancer, Upwork, Guru are examples of cloud computing.

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    Conferencing tools such as Skype, TeamViewer, Slack, Clickmeeting depend heavily on the cloud. Zoom is increasingly becoming popular due to its excellent streamlining potential and it is also empowered by cloud-based technology.

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    There is a large potential for technological advancements to make the lives of the people much better in the future once the pandemic ends.

    Any tech-savvy person must keep himself or herself updated regarding the emerging technological trends.

    Moreover, many business sectors would definitely think of implementing the technological advancements in mobile applications as well post covid-19.

    In case you are looking for a renowned mobile app development firm, you can contact Next Big Technology for further information.

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    Thanks for reading our post “Mobile App development post Covid-19”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.