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    Top Web design trends that will dominate 2024

    Amit Shukla

    What is Web design?

    Only creating a website does not impress the audience. Every one of us is attracted to colors, web page layouts, cover pictures, and few videos, which are uploaded to the website. Therefore, web design is important in every aspect and the website should be developed in such a way that the audience is attracted towards the site. Web design plays an important role in uplifting the business by making the websites popular and gathering a large number of customers towards the site. Web design is an arm of a Website. We are discussing Top Web design trends that will dominate 2020, which will help you update your website design as per the latest trends.

    Web design incorporates everything such as how your website looks, is the content in the website is attractive enough to pull the audience, graphical design, and much more. Web design is a part of web development company and nowadays plays a major role.

    Web design benefits visitors in many ways.

    1. Web design aids businesses in Search engine optimization development. In addition, search engines aid visitors to search a particular product or item or any other information, which he/she require. Hence plays a major role in keeping up the website popular.
    2. Enhance user experience: We build websites for a purpose. If that purpose needs to be fulfilled, we have to build the website in such a way that the user navigates through the web pages and search thoroughly for what he/she needs. So building a website in such a way that it is easily accessible is another major point in business. Websites must stimulate the action of users when they want to maximize or minimize the size of the screen. Hence, users will not face any problems during their findings.
    3. Websites must be mobile-friendly: Any website when a user uses should be accessible without any hurdles from android mobile too. This is very important in business as it takes the business to a further step. In this century from youngster’s to old age, every one of us uses mobile phones to browse websites as phones are easy to carry and they are handy too…

    Top Web design trends that will dominate:

    Every year is an addition of a new feature that tends to influence Web designers while they develop a new website.

    CSS grid is a module, which is desktop as well as mobile-friendly. Mainly it solves the layout problems, which every one of us was facing previously.

    Also Read: Tips to Come Up with An Amazing Web Design for Your Restaurant & Food Chain Business

    1. Smart CSS grid: If the website, which you want to design, must be user-friendly and flexible means, the CSS grid is the right choice. This layout is very flexible as it supports multiple versions and adapts to the screen size. In addition, the screen size is the user’s choice to view the information from the website by either maximizing or minimizing the size. Importantly this grid performs smartly on desktop as well as on mobile app development company. It provides high-quality performance to the users thus making it a great choice for web designers while developing a website.
    2. Adding Videos: This addition is already present before. Nevertheless, it will definitely be an interesting subset of a website. After all, we all like to watch videos on a website. Videos are an interesting part of a website and an eye-catcher, which is definitely a good point to include them. High-quality videos can be uploaded and if the video is a visual representation of the business, it tends to catch the eye of users.
    3. Immersive 3D web design and Adding luminous, glowing colors: Usage of graphic and interactive design is becoming a new trend, thus encouraging the users to be glued to the system for a long time.The addition of highly saturated colors tends to impress the user and tend to give a luminous feel. Bright colors are definitely a good choice while designing a website. They definitely capture the attention of the visitors, thus bringing a lot of users to the site. If the number of visitors is increasing, then definitely it is a good time for the business to become popular.
    4. Animations and GIFs: The addition of animated pictures or GIFs is definitely going to be a hit while developing the website. Nowadays from kids to adults, all would love to watch such animations. The idea is to portray the company in the form of motion graphics like when the company started, how it started, etc.
    5. Adding photography and Hand picture icons: Adding photographs is a wise idea to incorporate interests in the minds of the users. Mixing real-time photographs with a few illustrations or graphics is truly an upcoming idea in the coming year. Thus making an interesting concept while creating a website.Hand drawings definitely impress the users. Web designers use hand pictures to seek the attention of the visitors. Thus standing out from the crowd by using these hand-drawing makes definitely a big difference.
    6. Voice Recognition: Voice-capable interfaces are also becoming a new trend to include them in the websites. This makes definitely an easy search related to the product/needs of the users, as there is no need for typing at all. There are many apps in the market related to it thus making it a good addition while designing a website.
    7. Floating elements and Loud Typography: Many web designers are intended to use the floating web element so that it creates interest for the visitor to view the website.“Words speak louder than actions “. This proverb definitely entitles with the caption. Bold and meaningful words on the website definitely catch the eye of a visitor. Many tools and devices are available to help customize the fonts and use them while developing a website.
    8. Dark design: Dark design is remarkably making a big hit and will be a hit in the coming year of 2020, which is just two months away. Dark themes and dark backgrounds are preferred by most of them across the globe. They create a good contrast ratio, compared to the usage of the other colors and reducing the stress on our eyes.


    In 2020, web design is really going to be user-friendly, easy to navigate for the users, and much more. In this decade, web & Graphic designers are continuously working to add some more features. Motion pictures, dark themes, bright colors are going to be very much exciting for the users. Thus making the customers glued to the site for a longer period. This is going to be the best year in recent times for the users designing the web with full of surprises. Hope you will update your website as per Top Web design trends that will dominate 2020.


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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.