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    13 Trends That Will Shape the Future of Mobile Apps

    Amit Shukla

    What do you reach for when you need to make a phone call, write something down, place an order, or buy something online?

    Your mobile device! You can use it to find answers to your questions and save time on everyday tasks. It’s always there for you when you need it.

    Mobile apps have become an important part of the digital ecosystem, and the fast growth of mobile technology can’t be argued with.

    It’s true; they’re getting closer and closer to being everywhere.

    So, not keeping up with the latest changes in mobile app development is no longer a choice. This is what most people do.

    The mobile environment will change greatly in 2015, so let’s look at the top 13 trends in mobile app development.

    13 Trends For Mobile Apps

    The Superphone War: iOS and Android Will Get Even More Dangerous

    Apple and Google’s Android are two of the most popular mobile operating systems, and both are expected to keep growing in 2015 in terms of market share and customers’ minds. The two most popular mobile operating systems are likely to fight hard this year, which is good news for app developers. The next set of changes to improve the app’s user experience are about to come out.

    Let’s take a look at how well both iOS and Android do. It will help both programmers and people who use it.

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    The use of hybrid apps is on the rise.

    That is a good starting point. Extensive useful features. Incredible design.

    This is the most up-to-date HTML 5.

    Over the past few years, HTML 5 has changed a lot for the better. In 2015, many programmers were likely to start building hybrid apps with this framework.

    More Scrolling with Parallax in App Development Interesting to look at

    You may have seen a lot of websites that use parallax scrolling well. The two main things that make it so appealing are:

    • Allows for longer scrolling so that the design can tell a story.
    • There will be as much interaction with users as possible.
    • In 2018, more and more mobile app designers will use parallax scrolling as the main way to interact with the app. This will give app users a more satisfying and interesting experience.

    Wearable technology is the way of the future.

    Wearable technology has been getting a lot of attention in the IT world lately, and for a good reason. If you like portable technology, these are how things will be in the future. This year, wearable devices like Google Glass, Samsung Galaxy Gear, and Apple Watch will be joined by more devices. There will be a lot of different kinds of wearables, from ones that help with health to ones that help with fashion.

    To Mobile Payments, Of Course!

    In 2014, mobile payments made a lot of progress, which will likely continue in 2015.

    The launch of Apple Pay has been nothing short of historic, and it will eventually lead to big changes in how money is handled in online commerce. In the wake of Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, several mobile payment apps are set to come out this year, including Wal-CurrentC Mart’s and Android’s Android Pay. With these apps on your phone, buying things will be much easier and safer.

    13 Trends That Will Shape the Future

    It is expected that the demand for business applications will grow quickly.

    TripAdvisor and Hipmunk are just two examples of companies that use customer-facing enterprise apps to increase their profits, and this trend is only expected to grow in 2015.

    Apps that deal directly with customers are just some of the ones that will become very popular. As businesses try to be more productive and efficient, they will use more employee-focused corporate apps.

    The number of devices that can connect to the Internet will grow dramatically.

    We don’t just mean smartphones when we talk about mobile devices. They can connect to many devices and work as universal remotes to control smart home gear. Using your smartphone, you can get the most out of your home’s “smart” appliances.

    Advertising will be a big part of how mobile apps make money.

    The digital sector has been dealing with the fact that it’s getting harder and harder to find apps because there are so many.

    But this year, there will be several important technological breakthroughs and answers for mobile app marketing. Juniper Research will soon release a study that says that by 2018, $16.9 billion will have been spent on in-app ads on all mobile devices worldwide.

    Our goal is to improve how users feel.

    Mobile apps will be increasingly designed with the user experience in mind. As more and more apps are added to the app stores every day, the competition is getting tougher. Because of this, it will be more important than ever that the app user experience is good. Analytics data will be a big help in making apps better for their users.

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    Aiming for perfection in the App Store will always be the most important thing.

    In the past few years, techniques for promoting mobile apps have come a long way. Marketers know how important organic users are, compared to users brought in through paid channels. They also understand how important App Store Optimization is (ASO). ASO will still be very important to the success of an app in 2015, even though marketers will focus more on organic users.

    Apps that let you message people on social media will soon be the norm.

    This year, there will be a lot of competition between mobile messaging apps and social networks. BI Intelligence data shows that these apps are on track to become more popular and used than social networks.

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    Biometrics are becoming more important.

    In 2015, more people will use biometric security on their smartphones. Once alphanumeric passwords and pattern locks are no longer useful, many people will probably use biometric alternatives like thumbprints and retina scanners.

    More Wi-Fi services should use beacons and information about where they are.

    GPS needs a better track record for finding your way inside. Location-based services like Beacon and Wi-Fi come in handy at this point. People are becoming more interested in how Wi-Fi and beacons work together indoors, which has made these services more popular. This year, more and more companies will add location services based on Beacons and Wi-Fi to their mobile apps.


    The number of people who use mobile devices as their main platform will only grow. Applications for smartphones are very important in today’s information society. So, read on to find out how these trends will change the mobile market in the future.

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    Thanks for reading our post “13 Trends That Will Shape the Future of Mobile Apps”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.