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      UberEats Clone Application Development

      Drive and run your Ubereats Clone Script with Android and iOS platforms. It will help you control your business at your fingertips and further offers a white label solution for your Ubereats business. An UBeats apps development solution of NBT is easy to customize with advanced features, integrations, and enhancements as per your business requirements within 2 days.

      Ubereats App Development Services

      An UberEats Clone app of NBT is the perfect solution for your successful online food ordering business. It is completely white-labeled and fully customized with advanced and beneficial features. Some of the attractive features include Real-Time Tracking, Online Payment, Scheduling Orders, along with Promo Code & Referral Programs.

      It makes the food ordering and delivery process a straightforward process. To build such an app, our developers need the power of an UberEats Clone Script. Our software is integrated with an essential and advanced feature for the Delivery Personnel, the User, the Eatery, and the Admin as well. NBT is the right place to flourish your food delivery business and provides an edge over other competitors.

      Our Ubereats App is the accurate blend of features ad functionalities, used to develop your very own robust Clone and start serving hungry customers. We offer free Technical Support along with a Source Code and Free White Labeling. Our 24/7 support services will provide you the right assistance at right time.

      key features of Online Ordering System


      Users can register using any social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail, and sign-in later to access the profile.


      We help users to access real-time tracking using GPS functionality and help them track the real-time driver’s location.

      time driver’s location.


      Our app allows users to select their Favourite Cuisines and restaurants and quickly made their orders in no time.


      NBT enables easy restaurant search nearby based on the location, category, and cuisines.


      An admin can check and view the rating and allow users to rate the restaurants based on service and share thoughts as a review.


      NBT enables hassle-free commission management using the admin dashboard and helps you manage commissions for each restaurant effectively.


      NBT offers instant and real-time push notifications for Users, Restaurant, and Drivers to keep them updated on the instant alerts on their orders.


      Users can browse their order history from their account and reorder them in a single click. Also, you can review the past order details.

      with one click. You can also review the past order details over here.


      Everyone has their own preferences. Our app provides special instructions while ordering food and get the delivery in the desired way.

      food ordering and restaurants deliver your food the way choose.


      While ordering your food, you can customize your order or food items based on your choice.


      Users can access flexible payment options like cash or online payment methods. In this, an admin can restrict the specific mode of payment as per his/her availability.


      Admin and Restaurant can create promo codes for discounts and offer deals of the day to the customers.


      An admin can track the rating and reviews from users on the basis of Optimisation and Performance improvement.


      Choose the food delivery address. You can also add multiple addresses and orders for your loved ones as well.


      Why Choose Us

      As the cravings for food strike one thing that you first contact is an ubereats like application. The market is so brimming with them yet as the clients increment the quantity of applications misses the mark. On the off chance that you need to exploit the circumstance, reach to the best ubereats like app Development Company close to you and set everything straight. Sounds like a thought? Well it is. An incredible food delivery application would assist you with catching the market and making tons. Try not to worry about the ubereats like app clone development the specialists at Next Big Technology can generally do that for you.
      At the point when the food cravings irritate you as opposed to moving to the kitchen simply connect with your cell phones. Select the food delivery application, request some food and unwind. As you put your time into something profitable the food would reach to the doorstep!
      Ideal for your clients. Give your clients endowments of time and ease and a sigh of alleviation from everyday cooking regimes. Let them make the most of their preferred eatery food without going to considerable lengths of preparing.
      Thus, to simply get some prevalence and gain a few benefits go after the team with NBT and get a Ubereats like app that runs the market.

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