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    How to Migrate Your Magento Store to Shopify Securely? A Complete Guide!

    Amit Shukla

    Each great business is continually advancing—that is genuine like never before with regards to online business. Magento has for quite some time been a go-to stage for online stores, yet nowadays an ever-increasing number of dealers are taking their business to Shopify. If your store is on Magento, there are a lot of reasons why you may be considering moving to Shopify. The experts of eCommerce development India have prepared a step-by-step guide for you.

    Shopify Development

    Stage 0: Keep your business running

    Your movement will require some serious energy! That implies until your new store is completely set up and upgraded, it’s critical to keep your business running on your Magento store.

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    Also Read: 10 Benefits to use Shopify for your eCommerce portal

    Stage 1: Decide what you need to move

    You’ll need to relocate your items and client data to your new Shopify store, and you’ll presumably additionally need to bring request history and status information. If you’ve been working your web portal store on Magento for quite a while, there might be obsolete data that you would prefer to abandon.


    Stage 2: Start a record on Shopify

    Shopify offers a free preliminary, so you can consider going all-in before making a responsibility. Before you begin working together in your new store, you’ll need to acclimate yourself to Shopify’s highlights, menus, assortments, and page designs. Try not to spare a moment to incline toward their phenomenal client care group who will be your closest companions all through this cycle.

    Also Read: Why Should You Choose Magento E-Commerce Development for Online Store?

    Stage 3: Back up your Magento store

    This is significant! If your relocation doesn’t go as arranged on the first occasion when you will need to keep a full reinforcement of your Magento store. It’s critical to ensure any custom subtleties are put away, alongside standard data, so take as much time as necessary doing this. You may pick to utilize an accomplice to help play out the relocation, yet don’t depend on an outsider to get the reinforcement great.

    Shopify eCommerce Development

    Stage 4: Migrate your information

    Presently comes the truly difficult work. Applications like Cart2Cart and Shopify’s Magento Importer are intended to encourage your relocation, or you can fare and import the information physically. On the off chance that you pick the last choice, you’ll probably send out your Magento information as a CSV record.

    Also, Read Ecommerce: Optimize Your Mobile Application To Boost Your Sales

    Stage 5: Do more testing

    Ensure everything is working in your new store. Run some test arranges right through the checkout. Guarantee that client information is composed and shown appropriately, and that you’re ready to deal with each part of your business as though it were a live store.

    Shopify Development

    Stage 6: Restyle your new site

    Your new store won’t seem to be indistinguishable from your old one. Regardless of whether you’re utilizing a pre-made subject or planning something without any preparation, the idea of moving stages implies making front-end changes alongside back-end ones.

    Also Read: 10 Methods to Make Your Ecommerce Website More User-Friendly


    Relocating your store can feel like a nearly inconceivable errand, however, moving toward it piece-by-piece is the way into an effective move. When the undertaking is done, and you’ve had a second to slow down, you’ll be more than content with your choice to relocate. So, if you too want to migrate, then it is better to hire eCommerce developer as they have years of experience and help you with this.

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    Thanks for reading our post “How to Migrate Your Magento Store to Shopify Securely? A Complete Guide!”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.