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    Ecommerce PWAs and How Brands Benefit from a Progressive Frontend

    Amit Shukla

    Even though consumer tastes have changed, the internet retail industry continues to grow. This industry’s success has been large because it has grown over the past ten years. In the last few years, the rise of progressive web apps for e-commerce sites has also changed the way people shop for the latest and greatest in the digital world. Even big companies like Walmart and Alibaba can use this new idea to their advantage.

    Can Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) help e-commerce businesses increase mobile sales and customer loyalty by 2020? Find out how PWAs could help your online store make more money.

    Progressive Web Apps might be something you’ve heard of (PWA). They can do everything full programs can do, but they don’t have bad reviews from the app store.

    They work without having to be set up on the user’s PC first. On the other hand, they appear out of nowhere in mobile web browsers. Those who find your site through a natural search will be allowed in immediately. PWAs are a great way to boost e-commerce sales and user engagement because most people now use their phones to access the internet.

    Also read : Progressive Web Apps for eCommerce – A Complete Guide

    In this article, we’ll talk about how PWAs for e-commerce can help you improve your mobile strategy.

    Google was the first company to do e-commerce, and since progressive web apps were made in 2015, the industry has entered a new era. Many eCommerce business owners worldwide were interested in it because it needed less staff, gave customers a better experience, and was easy to run.

    A Brief Look at the PWA

    Progressive web apps, also called PWAs, are websites that work like native mobile apps. But, interestingly, they were made with different web technologies. Simply put, it takes the best parts of native apps and the best parts of websites and combines them to make a highly functional web app.

    Every day your online store opens, it gives you more chances to find new customers and sell them new products. Because of these things, it’s important for any eCommerce business, big or small, to have progressive web apps.

    Google says its solution is “quick, integrated, reliable, and engaging” because it “brings your whole online store to life” and makes it stand out from the competition.

    e-commerce can help you improve your mobile strategy

    The Progressive Web App works best with online shops.

    Since most online traffic now comes from mobile devices, it is important to eliminate anything that might stop a user from returning. So, if you want to be successful in e-commerce, you need to use a mobile-first strategy.

    Only your most loyal customers will want to use the app, but anyone with a web browser can go to the site. That is to say, whether or not your online store is successful comes down to your website in the end. Also, if you want your eCommerce business to do well in a very competitive and growing industry, you must use progressive web apps.

    Several reports from industry leaders say that online stores grew quickly after they started using progressive web apps. But PWAs are made to work on several different mobile platforms. Because of this, companies can make their online storefronts for much less money.

    The signs of PWB

    What made PWAs spread quickly through the retail industry? Some of the most well-known brands in the world use it, but why? The short answer is that it has unique qualities. Progressive web apps give e-commerce businesses many benefits they can’t get with any other technology stack. Because of how they are made, they act this way. The user experience on mobile, desktop, and tablet devices is improved by making websites responsive.

    With the help of progressive web apps, the content of e-commerce sites can be changed in more ways than ever before. If you save information from a website to your local machine’s cache, you can access it even when you’re not connected to the internet. It also needs less space to store data and less storage space than other mobile browsers. As a result, a website doesn’t have enough time to load.

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    How to Be Successful with PWA: An Example of a Good Business Plan

    Even though this technology has only been around for a little more than five years, many successful businesses have grown a lot. Companies like Twitter, Flipkart, Alibaba, Tinder, and many more are taking advantage of this cutting-edge technology.

    The e-commerce giant Alibaba in Asia is a great example of how useful progressive web apps can be. PWAs have helped Alibaba make more money and improve the experience for users. The report says that when Alibaba used PWAs, sales conversions went up by 75%, and monthly users increased by 25%.

    Also read : Should You Choose a PWA or Native App for Your Ecommerce Business?

    Without leaders, a new era in business can’t start.

    Along with progressive web apps for online stores, the idea of “headless commerce” grew. Headless commerce aims to keep a business’s front and back ends completely separate. Apart from the two, it is possible to make new things. It makes things easier and speeds up loading times by a lot. “Headless commerce” has become the standard way to do business online because of the rise of PWAs.

    We’ve reached a point where the differences between mobile and desktop experiences are, at best, small. So even if your internet connection is slow, you won’t have trouble doing things like buying things online. This is just one way that “headless commerce” and other similar web apps can be used.


    Most people in our generation are the first to have grown up with smartphones as a normal way to stay in touch and keep track of things. Because so many millennials and members of Generation Z use their phones for everything, shopping has changed a lot. Another reason online shopping is becoming more popular is the fear of a global epidemic. This is probably going to keep happening for a while.

    PWAs are already helping out a lot of well-known businesses. Now, businesses of all sizes, especially new ones, should do the same. Because of progressive web apps, the way eCommerce is done will change drastically over the next few years. PWAs are a great idea for eCommerce businesses, but they will soon be needed because they have many benefits.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.