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    How Much Does It Cost to Build an Online Sharing/Stock Trading App?

    Amit Shukla

    Investment is one of the major factors in business, mostly if you are going through the digitization process for your brand. The families are divided into three different categories includes reach, middle class, and low class in the Indian family. It is our human tendency to save a part of our income for any future purpose.

    It is much important to save the amount of income for further investment in different projects. The majority of the time such saved income is being invested into stock trading activities. It is important to understand the stock trading process which is mostly being guided by bank brokers or various other sources.

    It is important to consider the complexity, difficulty, and challenges that are involved in every traditional trading. This will help him proper investments into the different trading models. Much like any other business stock trading is also being shifted into the digitization process. The majority of the trade brokers and trading companies are shifting towards the online app service.

    One of the most important factors of such an online trading app is that people with zero knowledge will be having easy accessibility. In the majority of the cases, people will not be having much knowledge on financial investment or stock trading. These trading apps will help in getting the proper education to help them understand the stock trading process.

    While using online trading apps customers don’t need to pay for any brokerage or commission to the third party. Currently, there are more than thousands of online mobile trading stock market website available in the market. Most importantly the majority of the apps have successfully attracted investors into their service. The most impressive thing about these apps at the models and the features which help in the easy accessibility of the service.

    They attract the business visionaries to gain access to similar functionalities towards the customers. Even if you are thinking about developing similar apps the only thing that comes to mind is the cost of developing. In this article, we will discuss the cost required for developing a similar app that will offer an online trading service.

    Defining Online Trading:

    The online trading services will help in offering securities using the online platform. It will enable the trading process using several financial instruments which include buying gold, mutual funds, and various others. It offers easy access to the investors into the platform along with the traders to have the most effective stock trading process.

    Once you are looking for an online trading service app it is important to have the easy access ability to open a trading account. This will eliminate the need for any place or time required for opening. Online trading service is much more convenient and portable using the online trading app. They will offer an affordable range of lower payment services, which is much lower than the Commission provided in the traditional method.

    If the customer is going for a high level of stock volume in the trading app, then it will offer to get a reduced broker fee. Such an app will be offered the facility of performing selling and online buying of shares. The facility is being available according to the comfort and convenience of the customer. Most importantly the app can be easily accessed through computer mobile and get the update on loss and profit instantly.

    It will help in eliminating the commission of the broker and enable the user to achieve the best on stock trading. This will help in reducing the actual trading cost and help in offering a hassle-free experience. It is much important to offer the customer experience to have the service which will be worthwhile for them.

    Also Read: Top 10+ Stock Trading App Development Companies in India

    Major Features Need to be Included in Online Investment Platform:

    To achieve a great outcome with the trading service it is much important to implement essential phases while investing.

    • Invest in mutual funds:

    The application is highly loaded with more than 2000 mutual fund schemes. It will highly limit the need for payment for commission fees. Get easy access to the updates including financial data, charts, and various news which are related to the stocks.

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    • Invest in stocks:

    Get an easy investment in direct mutual funds without any issues. It will help in making accurate decisions according to the preference of the customer. Get easy fast and the most secure way of investing in the stock market. Get proper stock services with zero brokerage.

    • Invest in Digital Gold:

    Get access to an investment as low as rupees one. Proper guidance and help will be offered to the users for purchasing 24 karats 99.9% pure gold. Get the easy lock-in process for the first five days of the purchase. Users will be able to sell and buy pure gold in real-time without any physical appearance.

    Major Features Need to be Included in Online Investment Platform

    • Invest in IPOs:

    Customers can easily apply for IPO’s help will be provided by assisting in the proper tracking of the status online. Proper investment and encouragement will be provided for buying stocks within the original value. The process will not be impacted by the market demand which is one of the major advantages of using this platform.


    Cost Approximation of Developing Online Investment Platform:

    Much like any other mobile lab the actual cost for developing an online investment platform will be depending on various factors. The factors which are included in the cost such as the implementation of the features, app concept, UI design, technology, etc. Get the proper online investment and trading app development which will include all the complexities without any requirement, for all the deep understanding of the training process and the market behavior. It is also depending on the company you are hiring for developing the high-end and revolutionary app in this category. It is much advised to go for a trustworthy and reliable trading app development company. Approximately we can offer an estimation of a standard online investment platform which would be ranging around $50,000 to $100,000.

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    Thanks for reading our post “How Much Does It Cost to Build an Online Sharing/Stock Trading App?”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.