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    MERN stack vs. MEAN stack: Detailed Comparison

    Amit Shukla

    Finding the right tech stack can be hard, whether you’re an IT expert in-house or the founder of a startup that wants to make online and mobile apps. In this context, you may have heard of the MEAN stack vs. MERN stack debate.

    What is the MEAN Stack?

    This set of technologies is complete and is used by many people. The four technologies that make up the MEAN acronym are MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. Developers who make apps for mobile devices and the Web often use this Stack.

    The MEAN Stack has some advantages.

    There will be savings of money. All of the tools in the MEAN stack are free and open source, which helps keep the cost of making changes to the code low.

    The MEAN stack makes it possible to code in an isomorphic way. If both frameworks use the same programming language, it’s easy to move your code from one to the other.

    Angular is a free, open-source framework built on JavaScript with all these benefits, like great performance, easy maintenance, and the ability to be tested.

    It’s free and can be used in the cloud. Using less expensive circle space, MongoDB cuts down on the cost of sending cloud operations within an app.

    Also read : MEAN vs. MERN vs. MEVN Stacks: What’s the Difference

    What, in short, is the MERN Stack?

    It’s another example of an open-source full-stack technology stack. MERN stands for the programmes MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js. This makes making apps that work both on mobile devices and online easier.

    Why using the MERN Stack is a good idea.

    • Made with a lot of help from the locals.
    • A full set of test tools built right in.
    • The React library gives you the most up-to-date tools for making apps. The library can be used for free by people who make Web apps.
    • It has MVC (model view controller) support, which makes it easy to program.
    • Developers need to be good at both JavaScript and JSON to use this JavaScript stack.
    • This technology stack has parts like the JavaScript language for front-end and back-end development.
    • Code made with React can be used in both browsers and servers. This JS stack can make pages directly on the server when needed.

    Putting the MEAN and MERN stacks side by side

    The main difference between MEAN and MERN is that MEAN uses Angular, and MERN uses React. There are pros and cons to both stacking and not stacking.

    Even though the two stacks have many of the same benefits, they are different in important ways. In the end, let’s get straight to work!

    Changes in Learning

    Node.js, MongoDB, and Express.js all have great documentation, and many people use all three. Regarding the learning curve, it looks like MEAN and MERN are the same. On the other hand, the learning curves for React and Angular will be different.

    The Angular framework uses templates and Typescript. The learning curve for Angular could be more difficult, while React is much flatter.


    Since the MERN and MEAN stacks use Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, a cost-benefit analysis would show which of React and Angular is more cost-effective.

    Because Angular is more complete, it is a better choice. Most of the time, you’ll have to use third-party libraries that come with React. These libraries are known for making designers less productive.

    Putting the MEAN and MERN stacks side by side

    Information Gets Around

    If you change the user interface in Angular, the model state will change similarly. In React, data can only go in one direction. In React, you can only change the user interface after changing the model’s state.

    The one-way data binding in React makes it easier to see data, which helps manage complex applications. This makes the MERN stack a better choice for managing large projects.

    Support from sources outside the group

    When making enterprise-level apps, it’s important to think about third-party libraries. MEAN includes Angular, which supports HTTP calls and works with the backend by integrating with it.

    Other libraries for ReactJS can do the same things. MEAN makes it easy to add third-party extensions, but MERN needs more settings to get the same result.

    Managing the Code and Making Changes

    Thanks to Angular, the MEAN stack makes it easier to manage code and make changes. The fact that Angular is a full and well-organized framework makes it better at supporting the MVC structure.

    It is best to use an intermediate layer to split your code into two separate parts: one for the database and one for the user interface. This makes code management and upgrades easier. The code for React is harder to manage and keep up to date because it uses libraries from other places.

    Also read : Full Stack Vs Mean Stack vs Mern Stack Development

    Making apps for mobile devices

    The Ionic framework for Angular makes it easier to make hybrid mobile apps. When making these apps, costs are cut because a single codebase can work for iOS and Android. When you use a hybrid app, you don’t get the same experience as when you use a native app.


    Testers who know how to work with Angular apps might have a different level of experience with React apps. Because of this, you might change your mind about using the MEAN stack or the MERN stack. You only need one tool, like Jasmine, to test your Angular project.

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    But when building a React project, things are different, and you’ll need a wide range of technologies. You’ll need a tool like Jest to test the JS code and Enzyme to test the components. Since your React-based project will probably use a lot of external libraries, it’s great that you’re willing to do thorough testing.

    Safety and ability to grow

    Both the MERN and MEAN stacks are at the top of their game when it comes to security. Since this is the case, you can choose any of them.

    In terms of security, however, MERN is better than MEAN because it is more scalable.

    Applications That Can Grow

    To make an online store, you should use the MEAN stack. It can be the backbone of modern, data-driven online apps and make prototyping faster and easier.


    The MEAN and MERN stack compete very hard, making it hard to pick a winner or make a strong case for using either. Both of these technologies offer performance and features that are at the cutting edge. Choose between the MEAN and MERN stacks to make an app that fits the needs of your business.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.