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      Doctor On Demand Clone App Development

      Highly customizable HIPAA Compliance Telemedicine Solution, An all-inclusive telemedicine network that is strong enough to push the digital health big dream. Now offering virtual appointments with our particular Doctor-on-Demand Copy application from pretty much anywhere in the entire world.

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      Doctor On Demand Clone App Development - Launch Your Virtual Visit Doctor App!

      Build your own telemedicine business with our best clone software that provides full telemedicine solutions and otherwise digital wellness extensions once again to clinics and otherwise individual practitioners. Engineered with the best-in-business features, such as Virtual Diagnosis, Electronic Prescription, Scheduling of appointments, and otherwise Access to heavily encrypted Medical Information and some Reports, the Clone Software Approach does not compromise with the good quality.

      Developed totally under the advice and guidance of further the healthcare experts and proper medical stalwarts, the Clone Application is extremely customizable and HIPAA compliant, offering the maximum degree of privacy security.

      Provide Healthcare for the Entire Spectrum

      Our Doctor On demand application is specifically developed to promote telemedicine programs spanning diverse types of healthcare systems. It is your particular one-stop solution for the need for digital healthcare.

      Provide Urgent Care

      Diseases such as influenza, flu, cough, sexual wellbeing need urgent treatment and, with our telemedical software solution, medical professionals will have round-the-clock care. Emergencies, too, should be easily attended and tracked by physicians on a 24/7 basis. Specialized recovery plans can also be further recommended.

      Provide Preventive Healthcare

      The ingenious accessibility made possible mostly by our software helps you to have close treatment and wellness guidance and recommend a certain amount of medications, Dietary supplements, improvements in diet, among those for the comfort of patients. Virtual wellbeing and screening appointments can also be encouraged by the particular Doctor on Demand application.

      Provide Behavioural Care

      Our interactive doctor visit approach can promote conversation counselling with counsellors and clinicians using a video conferencing special feature for patients recovering from stress, anxiety, pain, and intimacy problems. Individual recovery plans can also be generally recommended.

      Provide Chronic Care

      Accommodate severe chronic treatment for patients affected by illnesses such as hypertension, thyroid, obesity and diabetes, abnormal blood pressure once again to their convenience through just a touch of one button. Changes in further their Personal lifestyle and otherwise their treatment routines can somehow also be suggested.

      Monetization features of Doctor On Demand App Clone

      Doctors' Commission Fee

      Doctors' Commission Fee

      Doctors may be paid a portion of every good appointment.

      Patients’ Commission Fee

      Patients’ Commission Fee

      Patients may be paid a service fee on each appointment.

      Registration Fee

      Registration Fee

      You can charge a minimum sum as a particular registration fee for both patients as well as physicians.

      Sponsoring Fee

      Sponsoring Fee

      You really can receive a premium fee by endorsing various service providers now for higher exposure.

      Third-Party Ads

      Third-Party Ads

      You will rent the banners now for third parties instead in your own application.

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      Doctor on Demand Clone’s Eminent Telemedicine Solutions

      Virtual Office

      Virtual Office Platform Solution

      Data sharing and perhaps the option of file sharing and video conferencing with lots of users in a safe manner with the recording option.


      Telemedicine based Application

      Developing real classic telemedicine applications for the compatibility of multiple platforms.

      Group Video Conferencing

      Cloud-based medical video conferencing solutions

      Medical video conferencing systems with sharing of screen, Point to Point communication, and personalized audio and otherwise video streaming app creation.

      Virtual Office

      Virtual Office Platform Solution

      Data sharing and perhaps the option of file sharing and video conferencing with lots of users in a safe manner with the recording option.

      Exclusive Video conferencing Platform solution

      Developing the Digital office network by HIPAA-compliant Point to Point video streaming and perhaps virtual waiting rooms mostly with call routing capability to easily arrange patient appointments.

      Medical Data

      Medical Data Sharing Solution

      Backed mostly by our advanced block chain platform, move critical medical data all without safety issues and otherwise with higher resolution.

      On Demand Clone ScriptDoctor - Telemedicine app solution for all



      Create specifically developed telemedicine applications for hospitals and otherwise health facilities that are used to improve patient satisfaction and perhaps positivity. Patients can therefore be provided with a virtual anytime appointment and access to other experts within the organization.



      The all-encompassing telemedicine app approach of NBT is ideally tailored to upcoming and further running start-ups aiming to exploit existing business trends. The new technology used particularly in the application allows entrepreneurs to scale your company to any level.



      Private practitioners can easily monitor their own time and, at the very same time, provide virtual appointments at their personal convenience, avoiding the follow-ups which are unnecessary. It is actually a winning situation now for patients as well as the practitioners.

      Key Benefits Of Our Doctor On Demand App Clone



      Our Doctor on Demand application displays a degree of particular customization where it can be further restructured according to the desires and specifications.

      HIPAA Compliant

      HIPAA Compliant

      Health data stored and perhaps stored in the application is completely encrypted in accordance with the HIPAA Regulations.

      White-labeled App

      White-labeled App

      The software is branded according to your company plan.

      Instant Launch

      Instant Launch

      Our Doctor on Demand application can be released nearly instantaneously and perhaps hassle-free.



      Craft as a design is really an understatement. It is plotted instead to perfection.



      The built-in app is stable and the new technologies used supports high scalability.



      Our clone application can be updated to run smoothly on platforms further like android, iOS, and otherwise Windows OS.

      Technical Support

      360° Support

      Our devoted team of NBT with best developers and therefore the Customer Relations team can help you from the point of view and perhaps extend the post-deployment support.

      Go Global

      Go Global

      Multilingual multi-currency assistance is in line with the global growth ambitions.

      Why Choose Us



      If the production is completed, we will whiten the application in the particular name and details of your brand.



      The proper installation and setup process of the whole web, code and storage resources on the official website, the App Store present in IOS and the Play Store in android will be finished along with the total approval process.



      The Clone application which is given to you has a lifetime license and perhaps copyright.



      Our application has an in-built research function that captures data and gathers crucial information about consumer numbers, orders, income, progress, and provides detailed reports pretty much on the same.



      Customers will pick up money from the wallet account somewhere inside the application and use it to make purchases via the app.



      The key panel, the patient panel and therefore the doctor panel are considered to be 100% sensitive and robust across major platform and system types.

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      Technology Stack Deployed In Our Telemedicine Application



      Delivery time usually depends on a variety of variables, including customization criteria. Our team does not make any compromises and continues to produce the script at a deadline which is mutually agreed.

      The Doctor on Demand Replica Software is a highly modular approach. You can update NBT software at any point in the years to come as per evolving user tastes. You will incorporate new functionality and perhaps features, increase your handling capabilities, and update your user interface and that too without any problems.

      Yes, we do provide post-launch routine maintenance assistance to our own clients for helping them run their company smoother in the first few days. This direct support program is free of charge now for a short amount of time. After that, you should take advantage of our paid repair facilities, which are delivered at competitive rates.

      Connect to our support staff via e-mail——————— or otherwise call——————————. You can somehow also talk to us directly via the chatting option which is usually available on our own official website.

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