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      Are you looking for impressive and astounding Coursera Clone App Development?

      Then you have entered the right place! NBT is here to build Coursera Clone App as you require and at a much reasonable rate!

      No Worries! NBT is here to assist you in every aspect!
      Coursera Clone-banner-img-01

      Coursera Clone App Development

      Today’s scenario has completely transformed into a digitalized era. Pandemic has presented a new alternative to the regular classroom sessions I.e. attending online classroom sessions and therefore gaining knowledge and wisdom.

      We provide the best services and undoubtedly you will be very much happy and satisfied with our solutions and potential. Our developers possess in-depth knowledge and a deep understanding regarding the subject and hence we assure you that we deliver error-free software and we incorporate features as per your liking/interests.

      Coursera is one of the popular and admired online learning platforms which many students have been making use of. There are millions of active users who are using the platform to learn and acquire a grip over the subject.

      Prominent features of our Coursera Clone App

      Course Certificates
      Course Certificates

      A course certificate is the main objective of any kind of online learning platform. Once the course is finished the user can obtain the course certificate.

      Versatile Courses
      Flexible courses

      The user can choose whatever course he/she needs. There is an umpteen number of courses offered across various categories.

      Download Lectures
      Download discourse

      The user can download the discourse and read them in offline mode as well.

      Extent of Instruction

      Based on the grasping level and capability the students can choose or opt for simple, basic or advanced levels of instruction and can move ahead.

      Advanced Search Bar
      Advanced Search Bar
      It facilitates the user to search much more comfortably and enroll for the course that he/she is interested in.
      Course Quizzes

      A quiz is another form of presenting questions to engage the learners and to ensure that they have grasped the section and so on.

      Instructor Dashboard
      Trainer Dashboard.

      The tutor can view the number of users who have enrolled for the course and much more details can be looked upon.

      Multilingual Support
      Multilingual Support
      Many global languages have been added in order to provide comfort for the user.
      My Courses
      List of My Courses

      The learners can view the list of courses which they have enrolled, number of hours, tutors’ details, etc.

      Coursera Clone Functionality

      User Registration
      The user can easily register and can access the application.
      User Friendly
      The user can access the application by entering the password.
      Free Server Installation
      Browse the Courses

      The user can browse the courses by searching through what the person needs and etc.

      In-App Purchase integration
      Purchase Courses

      Appropriate courses can be purchased by making payments.

      Accomplish Courses

      The courses can be completed according to our own flexibility.

      Course Certificate

      Appropriate course certificates can be obtained.

      Powerful Admin Dashboard-icon-1
      Course Download

      The course certificate can be downloaded and saved.

      Our Process Of Coursera Clone App Development

      01. Requirement Analysis

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

      02. Market Research

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

      03. Development

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

      03. Testing & App Launch

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

      Tech Stack


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