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    Is the app complex?

    The more options the app offers its users, the more complex it is. For example: a pizza ordering app with location tracking and tray temperature is much more complex than a single-click pizza ordering app with no special extras. What level of complexity does your app require?

    Performance requirements?

    As the need for fast computation and constant data transmission and reception (location-based apps, photo and video editing, 3D or animated usage, complex calculations, etc.) increases, the performance requirements of your users' devices increase. How important is performance to your app?

    Operating Systems?

    The distribution between Android and iPhone devices today in Israel is about 30/70 in favor of Android. Conversely, if you choose to go for a more loyal user audience that is more willing to pay for a subscription to your app, you should think seriously about the iPhone. Although the two are always superior to one.

    Connecting with other devices?

    Recently, the "Internet of Things" wave has been sweeping the world. Does your app need to connect to an existing product and control it remotely?

    In-app payments?

    Will users shop from within the app, make a one-time subscription fee, or will the app be free?

    How to sign up for an app?

    You can save the cumbersome listing we have become accustomed to today with connecting through social networks. It is also possible without registration at all and only possible with email. The decision is yours

    Both beautiful and baked?

    And to ask the questions, how visually appealing and meticulous your app should be. If you want to go for simplicity you can settle for ready designs or make small changes to them and significantly reduce the price. what do you say?

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