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    What is the basic cost and features that we need in Practo Clone Application Development?

    Amit Shukla

    Practo Clone however is Practo-like software designed on the pretty same idea as Practo. Practo clone offers a forum for some patients to book an appointment mostly with the best doctor at the exact right time. Besides hospitals, people may even book an appointment mostly with medical laboratories, nursing centers, home care centers, fitness centers, etc.

    What is the production expense of the Practo App?

    The production cost of the Practo-like software will rely on a variety of variables, basic and even the advanced features that it provides.

    The Web Framework

    The native app somehow can be installed on two separate platforms: Android and also iOS. The Android application development cost could be much higher than the particular iOS app development costing.

    The app’s scale

    Its cost will be larger than the size of that app.

    The App Interface

    The architecture of the application is another aspect that defines the actual cost of the application. The central goal of a successful design is to have an excellent user interface, improved user experience, and dedication. It is impossible to involve consumers without an optimized interface. At NBT solutions, we deliver the latest software architecture at a much economical price.

    production expense of the Practo App

    The Expense of Developers

    The production cost of a somewhat Practo-like app varies greatly based on the venue, skill, and otherwise experience of that developer.

    Administrative council

    It contains functionality that can be easily accessed mostly by the application Admin. It generally includes the data processing function, detailed review of the operation of the app, detailed and accurate commission report, etc.

    Advanced Roles

    Advanced features shall have

    Place of Geo

    Both the patient and the practitioner can easily access each other’s position through Google Maps.

    Code of Promotion/Referral

    This functionality will help to make your practice-like app more available. The user will share the particular referral code with his or her mates, which they must use at the time of registration. When the new customer makes their first purchase, they will both receive certain monetary rewards.

    Login to OTP

    The new user will therefore obtain a ‘One-Time Password’ for each form they log in to a new computer. This functionality would help improve the protection of the customer and deter fraudulent transactions.

    Cash Portal

    The more of the payment gateways you choose to give in your mobile app, the considerably higher the fee.

    Press updates

    This functionality would allow the administrator to send brief personalized messages to its own users reminding them of the event which is upcoming, different discount schemes, and otherwise any other related information.

    App wallet

    The cost would be raised if you choose to provide users with the app wallet feature.

    There is a huge uptick in demand now for doctor appointment scheduling applications, which is why we offer on-demand health care options to our customers. Usually, we at NBT solutions charge 5000USD to 20,000 USD for this application at one time and the Hourly Rate is 15USD to 20 USD.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.