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    How much does it cost to build a web app in India?

    Amit Shukla

    Web Application Development Company in India is growing tremendously due to the rising demand for mobile devices. this article tells you about the Cost To Build a Web App In India

    Clients want to know the exact cost of developing a web app for their businesses. However, the cost drastically depends on the type of features they want to append and depends on the complexity of the app.

    Therefore, the pricing depends on various factors, which we are going to discuss in this article.

    1. App Complexity levels:

      Undoubtedly, it is the primary element, which indirectly relates to the cost factor. Cost To Build Web App In India depends on the functionalities which you would like to incorporate in your app. It highly depends on the complexity levels, which the developers face during the development stage. The time and complex levels affect pricing greatly.

    2. Delivery in Time:

      The developers might face a rush and sometimes they might find little composite to find solutions for certain problems that they face during the developmental phase. Obviously, it creates time lag and you must be ready with your extra bucks in your pocket. The time delay pushes you to pay money for the developers.

    3. Kind of app:

      The pricing factor also relies on the type of app. There are many types of web apps such as health care, lifestyle, entertainment, etc. Therefore, the cost depends on the type of business app.

    4. Agency:

      The cost factor depends on the agency you are going to work with. The web development company if it is branded and has a good name and recognition, there is no doubt that the agency will charge accordingly. If the agency is a start-up and has earned quite a good name, then you can move ahead and hand over your web app requirements so that you can save a few bucks.

    5. Marketing:

      It is an important step in development because your app can reach users only through marketing. There are various marketing strategies, which can be adopted by you in order to make your app popular. There are many digital marketing companies in India, which will guide you through publicizing your app and thereby bringing in a large number of users or customers.

    6. Support:

      Support is also an essential phase after the app developmental stage. Be it mobile or web app. Once the app has gone through the development and testing processes, it is always good to get support from the developmental team of your partner. Due to the release and update of many versions and as there are many changes, which are continuously upgraded, it is safe and encouraging to get the help of the development team as they can support your app through the changes.


    In India, rough estimation is about 5000$ for developing small and medium functional web business apps. The prices might go up to large numbers if your business web app requires complex functionalities to append in.

    In addition, the hourly rate would be about around 20-70$ based on the project’s complexities and functional components.

    Moreover, the important rate relies on the kind of Web Application Development Company you are going to work with.

    All these factors when combined largely affect the budget or pricing of your business project. Hire Web App Developer to now more

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.