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    How to Hire the Right Web Designer for Your Project

    Amit Shukla

    Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

    One essential part of your business success is to hire the right web designer for your projects. You really cannot underestimate how vital web designers are. Getting the right web designer will help create the right tone, atmosphere, and mode for your business website.

    Also, customers are looking to get a better experience from your brand. And one way to do this is to ensure that you put out quality designs that epitomize your brand. This makes it even more critical for you to hire the right web designer than before. To ensure you make the correct choice, here are some expert tips.

    Hire Professional Web Designer

    Know what you want

    You don’t go out looking for a web designer without having an idea of what you want them to do, what you want from them, and what they’ll be doing for you. For instance, if you have some websites that you like their look and design, you could write them out and show them to your web designer and let them know why you like that website and if they can replicate those qualities in yours. You need to have a clear idea of what you want on your website and then look for the right web designers to help you build your site.

    Even before you create your website, another aspect to consider is to base your website theme on your business logo design. The qualities you want in your site can be derived from the type of logo you choose for your business and should be conveyed to the web designer that you hire.

    Also read:10 Essential Reasons You Need to Hire a Professional Web Designer

    Do a background check on the web designer’s portfolio

    Before you hire someone, you have to be sure that they can offer you the services you want. There’s no better way to do this than to go through their portfolio of previous works on Behance or their own website. Reviewing this will give you an idea of how good they are and if they are capable of doing what you want from them. You’ll also know if they suit your taste or are a perfect match for the kind of web designer you’re looking for.

    A designer who knows CMS or platform

    In your search for the right web designer, look for firms or individuals who already have previous experience building websites on your selected CMS or platforms e.g., WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, etc. Some of these companies have ecosystems for their partners. With this ecosystem, you will be able to create a list of well-known graphic designers that are well accredited within the ecosystem.

    If you don’t already have your choice of CMS, then it might be a good idea to look for firms that will support you with your decision-making on the best CMS to use for your type of business or to reach your business goals.

    Be realistic with your budget and the price you’ll pay

    Your budget is another crucial part to consider when hiring the right web designer for your project. The requirement for your web design and the intricacies involved should determine how much you are paying for your website. Some other things to consider will include the particular functionalities required, and the number of pages that they are creating.

    If you’re creating a basic brochure-style website with 5 – 10 pages, the price range might range from $2500 to $4500. But eCommerce sites are usually more expensive, especially those with plenty of products and include integration, which is necessary to make payments. The range can be between $4500 and $20,000. It can even be more depending on a lot of other factors.

    The truth is, what you pay for is what you get. So, your budget would determine the type of website that you get. If you have a budget of $500 for your website design, you’ll definitely get web designers that can create websites for you at this price or whatever price. The only difference here is the gulf in quality, and that’ll be very noticeable.

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    Find out if the web designer can meet your deadline

    The ability to meet deadlines should be something that you look out for if you’re going to choose the right web designer for your project. This is something that you have to determine even before the start of the project, as this would save you some unnecessary stress and disappointment later on.

    You have to ask whether they can work with your timeline before deciding to work with them. When you’re also discussing the project at hand with a designer or agency, you have to be very clear on how broad the scope of delivery is, how many changes could be made, what they are required to do from their side, and the timeline to work with.

    Also read: These 7 Signs Show You Hired the Right Web Designer

    Be sure to own the design of your website and the content

    When you look for a website designer, you have to be sure that they are creating original designs and are also willing to hand over the right of the design or the intellectual property rights to you and your website. Again, this isn’t something that you try to work out after you have hired them. It is something that you have to know and agree on upfront. The reason why it is essential to get the right to the content or design of your website is that it can hurt you in some way. For instance, it might prevent you from reaching investment capital, and when you’re selling your business. This is one way to determine a good web designer or web design agency from others. They’re more willing to hand over the intellectual property right of their design. That’s a common practice. If they’re not ready to hand this over, then that’s a red flag for you.


    You must be able to identify and consequently hire the right web designer for your project. This helps you in a lot more ways than you can imagine. It can determine your customer’s kind of experience with your brand, which will form an impression of your brand. In the end, this can affect you positively or negatively, depending on how good or bad your website is.


    Author Bio

    Natasha Sokolov is a freelance content writer who digs deep to bring out fresh aspects of the topic she writes about. She can write on any topic under the moon in particular niches such as branding, digital marketing, and online businesses.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.