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    What are the basic features and the overall price estimate of Bitaksi Clone Application Development?

    Amit Shukla

    The functionality of the taxi booking app can be split into two parts as standard features and advanced features. Taxi booking app creation can be categorized into three distinct categories of users:

    * Consumer support

    * Driver: Driver

    * Administrator *

    The facets and functionality will vary based on the specifications and the technical advances offered by each type of customer. Here, we separated all the features depending on the pretty basic and some of advanced features along with some main Admin features which should be included.

    Core Features

    Registration & Login: registration system should be easy and seamless. Users and drivers must have all the luxury of using their social media particular account or otherwise email id for getting registered on that particular application.

    Booking: The booking form would include all the options available, such as the approximate fare, the time to hit the pick-up stage, etc.

    Place Status: The status function for both the driver and therefore the recipient will indicate the distance of further each other from the particular respective location.

    Contact tab: the feature will be very helpful for both consumers and drivers to interact specifically at the time of pick-up.

    Maps and otherwise Location: The user can actually set the pickup and dropping point through the map and even know the path taken mostly by the driver. Although the drivers will know perhaps the pickup & drop positions and the shortest path to the chosen destination.

    Booking: The booking form would include all the options available, such as the approximate fare, the time to hit the pick-up stage, etc.

    Place Status: The status function for both the driver and therefore the recipient will indicate the distance of further each other from the particular respective location.

    Contact tab: the feature will be very helpful for both consumers and drivers to interact specifically at the time of pick-up.

    Maps and otherwise Location: The user can actually set the pickup and dropping point through the map and even know the path taken mostly by the driver. Although the drivers will know perhaps the pickup & drop positions and the shortest path to the chosen destination.

    Board of Trustees

    Notification: Consumer alerts reminding them of new deals, discount codes, price changes, etc.

    Choosing a favorite driver: Your Taxi Booking app may have a particular feature that helps the user to pick a driver for which they have actually had a better experience. Such key features still rely on the availability of that driver, but they can do wonders for its success. NBT solutions are expert in making these kinds of applications, we at NBT solutions will charge you 5000USD to 20,000 USD for one time and out hourly rate is 15USD to 20 USD.

    Payments: On the basis of a built-in payment system, the administrator may check the transfers made by the user as well as those obtained by the driver or else inform the driver of the payment received mostly by the user and then somehow pass the balance to the driver’s account or wallet.

    Scheduling the rides: with this in hand, ‘Booking now and riding later’ feature, the user really can book their own ride in advance for the next date and time. Adding the schedule feature will give consumers an additional incentive to like your own taxi booking service.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.