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    Tag: Location Based Marketing

    Basics of location-based marketing and learn how it works?

    June 16, 2021

    With the increasing use of mobile devices, location has become the most important factor of marketing. Location-based marketing uses the current or past location of users on mobile devices to display relevant content to them. It includes location marketing, geo-targeting marketing, geolocation marketing, hyperlocal marketing, and proximity-based marketing. Why...

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    Beacon Technology: How it is Transforming the Travel Industry?

    March 11, 2020

    Beacon Technology has a huge potential for disturbance and advancement in the movement business. Both travel clients and representatives have large numbers of data to process, and plainly through the clamor are significant.  since terminals can be a serious furious condition, strategies to slice Beacons work splendidly at separating...

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