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    Costs and Features of E-Learning Application Development

    Amit Shukla

    Every industry is undergoing a digital revolution, and new technologies are emerging daily. Mobile applications have taken learning to new heights with e-learning applications, as cellphones have become an indispensable part of our life. A mobile application can now be used to complete nearly any task. With e-learning mobile applications, you can start learning anytime and anywhere you choose. One of the best things about them is that many of its functions can be accessed both online and offline. Consequently, you don’t need a continual internet connection for these courses to work.

    Students can now improve their education regardless of instructor availability thanks to smart classrooms, e-learning software, and other advancements in the education industry.

    Mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and other comparable gadgets are where most students spend their free time, and that cannot be ignored. These e-learning tools are a great way to maximize your time.

    Furthermore, these programs are readily available to students, allowing them to take advantage of them without having to worry about the expensive cost of education.

    Over the years, Octal IT Solution has gained experience in developing e-learning applications, educational learning software, and other software with enhanced features and performance.

    Increasing Use of Mobile Applications:

    People are becoming increasingly reliant on smart gadgets, which has altered how society functions. Educational applications or mobile learning mediums can improve a user’s learning experience by providing an engaging user interface that keeps them engaged and so captures their full attention. Given the scale of the mobile application market and the benefits it might provide, various educational institutions are already hiring developers for learning app development.

    Learning is simple and enjoyable with these applications since they provide users with a wealth of capabilities such as document management, project collaboration, online assignments, and much more. These apps have revolutionized the education business by allowing consumers to carry education in their pockets.

    Before we go any further with education mobile app development, let’s take a look at some of the statistics that show how popular it is in today’s world.

    With the rise in popularity of mobile applications and the adoption of e-learning by the majority of institutions, the need for elearning mobile app development companies has skyrocketed.

    E-learning data and figures to consider:

    • E-learning is expected to grow by 243 billion dollars by 2022 according to Statista’s forecasts. More than that, a 7.5 percent market penetration is expected.
    • It has been discovered that 64% of learners utilize their mobile devices to access training materials.
    • Mobile device learners are 43 percent more productive and efficient than their non-mobile counterparts.
    • Apps for mobile devices are widely used and downloaded today. As a result, smartphone users download 90% of the apps.
    • According to a Gallup poll, 71 percent of adults believe that learning using e-learning applications clarifies concepts better than traditional learning methods.

    And these figures reveal a great deal. If you want to profit from the current trends, you should hire e-learning application development services right now.

    The creation of an e-learning application is a time-consuming process. We’ve been working hard to develop a solid solution that will make it easier for teams to develop on-screen solutions that will earn a lot of money in less time. Any program in its development stage necessitates a significant amount of time and work, and we make certain that when you decide to pursue your eLearning endeavor further, you conduct some preliminary study on a few points.

    When developing an e-learning application, there are a few things to keep in mind.

    All of the main components of app development would be handled by your mobile app developers. However, before you contact the specialists, you must first complete your homework. Make certain you have a response to everything your developer could need to know.

    Step 1: Confirm your concept.

    Do your portion of the study well if you are certain you want to enter a highly competitive domain. Examine your competitors and look for flaws. In the future, these flaws will be your USP. Also, make a list of the outstanding e-learning mobile app features that have been implemented. You can also request that your hybrid mobile app development company incorporate these capabilities in your eLearning app.

    You may even go a step further with 3D lectures and real-time communication with students, which will make it easier for you to handle questions and issues and establish a strong market presence.

    Also Read :A Deep Dive Into Features of E-Learning App Development

    Step 2: Recognize your target market.

    Is your e-learning app aimed at professionals or students? Is it aimed at a more broad audience? So, make sure you know your audience and have an app idea that excites and motivates them to study. The popularity of your mobile app is heavily influenced by demographics and the audience’s interests.

    It’s difficult to build a large audience base. We ensure that the solutions we give to you are defined by specialists and that they assist you in achieving the best results possible. We’ve been working hard to provide the finest service possible to our clients, and we recognize that the user group is sensitive.

    Step #3. Working on UI/UX Design

    Another thing to think about is how your e-learning software feels and looks. You must ensure that the aesthetics are well-developed and that the screen provides a positive client experience. You’ll need a color scheme, features, functions, and navigation to aid your eLearning app development in each of these areas. If you’re clear about what you want, the UI/UX design team can easily create it.

    Aesthetics play a significant impact in determining how things will work. We ensure that the solutions we give to you engage pupils and that they do not encounter any difficulties when working on the application. We’ve spent years developing solutions that entice the target audience and keep them interested in our work.

    Step #4: Consider MVP Features

    You’ve gone over a couple of the greatest apps and compiled a list of e-learning app features that you’d like to give to your clients. The Minimum Viable Product version of your software contains the characteristics that you must have in your app. You can enter the market with a minimal viable product (MVP) and then upgrade the functionality later.

    The feature set of your eLearning application will largely determine its functionality and operation. We make it a point to ensure that the solutions we give to you are only taken to the final stage after the prototype has been approved.

    Step #5: Decide on a monetization strategy

    We are putting out all of these efforts in order to enter the market and make some money. Decide on a monetization strategy that will allow you to maximize your profits. In the following part, we’ll go through various monetization models. Simply choose the one that best meets your needs and you’re ready to begin.

    You’d go into the market with the intention of making money. There are various options for monetizing your business. It is preferable to select the best option and have your items delivered on time.

    These are some of the fundamental considerations you should make before entrusting the project to your eLearning application development company. They’d take care of putting what you want on the screen, but you’d have to communicate your idea correctly!

    Possibilities for Making Money with Your E-Learning App

    When you contact us for elearning mobile app development, we make it a point to provide you with a solution that maximizes your return on investment. It’s not simply the app’s features that decide your revenue; it’s also the monetization plan you choose.

    Charge based on the course

    If you give something to professionals, this model would be rewarding and successful. Allow your users to pay for the courses they take. There is no registration fee or annual membership; simply sign up for the course and pay for it.

    Inquire about the subscription fee.

    There are two verticals in the subscription model.

    Freemium Subscription: For e-learning apps, many students or users choose free memberships. They can try out the features for free and then subscribe if they like the e-learning platform features and the learning experience.

    Premium Subscription: Users who choose premium memberships gain access to additional features, such as the ability to use all of the coursework offered within the app. They can clear their worries with their specific professors or teachers, and they can even use the program offline.

    Advertisements within the app

    Any third-party seller that wants to market their products and services on the app will be able to do so. This aids in generating additional income.


    The app owner can earn a commission if any product is browsed or purchased within the app by putting an e-commerce feature in the app. As a result, you’ll get a better return on your e-learning app investment.

    You can use any of these monetization techniques to make a lot of money quickly. Now that you’ve learned about the different monetization strategies, the type of learning app you plan to launch is the only factor that will influence your decision. This would have an impact on the cost of e-learning development as well.

    E-learning Applications of Various Types:

    When it comes to eLearning development expenses, one of the most important factors to consider is the type of program you want to create.

    Smart Connect:

    This is the software that was created with the need for content projection for training and teaching in mind. It’s popular in smart classrooms and for online learning programs.

    Exam Application:

    An assortment of tests and aptitude series can be found in these apps, which are used to assess a student’s ability a specific area. These applications keep track of the responses that students have shared, analyze them, and publish the results.

    Vocabulary Applications:

    This e-learning application aids users in expanding their vocabulary in English.

    These are some fundamental models for which you might request a solution from your e-learning app development company.

    So far, we’ve looked at two aspects that will influence your investment. Let’s look at the third factor, users, who have an impact on the cost of developing an e-learning software.

    The cost of eLearning development is determined by the users.

    Students, teachers, parents, and administrators are the four main users of an e-learning platform. As a result, the e-learning software development bundle would contain feature development for all users.


    • The main target demographic for whom the application is created is students. The application’s business model is based on the demands and requirements of students in the current situation.
    • The student must first register for the application by going through the signup process.
    • Choose the courses you want to take and pay for them.
    • The e-learning software development team will make sure that each student gets their own dashboard and account where they can manage their notes and study materials. Students can also track their progress on subscribed courses and retrieve their materials as needed.


    There aren’t many e-learning programs that allow parents to log in. This option is only accessible in applications where the student is under the age of 18. As a result, parents or guardians can log in and choose the courses they want for their children. They can also keep track of their children’s performance and improvement. E-learning software development services take into account the role of parents in the process and include features that assist them in properly using the app.


    Registered instructors have access to a specialized dashboard where they can do things like:

    • Students should be shown films pertaining to a specific topic.
    • Create course materials and sell them to a variety of students.
    • They can create an interactive communication medium with their students using the application.


    The admin has complete control over the features of the e-learning software. They have complete control over the behaviors of all users who have access to the app. Can access detailed information about real-time data, application retention rates, active courses, and registered users, among other things.

    That appears to be a lot of work!

    Now that you’ve worked on various components of the eLearning app, the next significant question is why you decided to engage in elearning mobile app development in the first place. You can, however, white-label your solution for a variety of sectors. Let’s have a look at what can bring you the most money.

    Who is qualified to implement an e-learning mobile app?

    Because the e-learning solution is so advantageous to the educational business, it can benefit a variety of schools, universities, and coaching organizations. The delivery of knowledge will be improved by incorporating e-learning into the curricular structure, making the learning experience more participatory for students.

    This e-learning solution is not only confined to the education industry; it can also be used by other corporate companies to train their personnel on various technologies, making it a cost-effective tool for training.

    Also Read : How to Make an E-Learning App in Educational App Development

    Advantages of E-learning Mobile Applications:

    The e-learning app development industry has grown tremendously as a result of the widespread adoption of online learning. Changes in the way content is consumed, discussed and shared as a result of this sophisticated disruption are profound. A wide range of public and private sector employees, as well as housewives, have access to online e-learning courses.

    E-learning allows you to review the course material multiple times, unlike in a classroom setting. While preparing for an exam, this is especially critical during the correction period. Unless you can attend a lecture in a traditional learning approach, you will need to prepare the entire material on your own. However, in the case of e-learning, you can receive lectures on any topic you choose at any time.

    With e-learning, you can rest assured that you’ll always be in sync with the other students that use the same platform. An updated curriculum or content is always available for the learner to use.

    Delivering short lectures via electronic means is known as e-learning. When compared to traditional classroom teaching methods, this mode is a bit faster.

    For less money than traditional teaching approaches, custom e-learning is an excellent option. Using pictures and films, students are able to absorb the information quickly and retain it long-term.

    The Best E-Learning Mobile Apps:

    The following are some of the most popular applications on the market:

    • Periodic Table
    • Amazon Kindle
    • Coursera
    • StudyBlue
    • Photomath

    Features for E-learning Application:

    Features of the Student Panel:
    • Registration
    • View and choose from a variety of available courses.
    • With a variety of filter options, you may conduct a smart search.
    • Users can ask questions and communicate with a particular teacher via video or text chat.
    Features of the Teacher Panel:
    • Simple signup Enhancement of your profile
    • Earn credits and points by responding to the students’ questions.
    • Notifications by Push
    • Reviews and Ratings
    Features of the Admin Panel:
    • User administration
    • Management of profiles
    • Management of communication
    • Management of subscription packages
    • Management of content
    • Reports and statistics
    Advanced Functions:

    Bulletin Board: Integrating bulletin board functionality, which is a terrific tool for promoting motivation in students and other e-learners, is critical for inspiring kids to do effectively.

    Practice Tests & Quizzes: It is critical to check students’ performance on a frequent basis in order to determine their grasping power and knowledge. As a result, incorporating practice test papers and quizzes into an e-learning mobile application can greatly simplify tracking student success.

    Module for Document Management: This aids in the management of documents that teachers share with their students or learners. The document management module holds items such as video or audio recordings, papers, presentations, PDFs, spreadsheets, and other types of files that are uploaded and shared with users for access as needed.

    Open Discussion Forum: By including an open discussion forum in an e-learning application, you can provide a platform for users to interact with one another. Users can publish their opinions and feedback on already accessible topics as well as contribute their ideas for new topics. This is a fantastic tool for enhancing the learning experience among users. Admin keeps an eye on the comments to ensure that no spam is left behind.

    E-commerce: Adding e-commerce capabilities to an e-learning application improves its effectiveness. Within the program, customers may simply purchase premium video lectures, books, and other learning materials.

    Notifications: An e-learning program’s success relies heavily on the use of push notifications. When a subscribed teacher uploads a new video, when new course information is made available, or when a special lecture is scheduled, the user must be notified.

    Real-time Analytics: The administrator can monitor the application’s performance and user search habits with this functionality. With this feature, the administrator can keep an eye on everything that goes on, from students submitting assignments to students taking practise tests, and their results.

    CRM Integration: Integration of customer relationship management (CRM) into the development of e-learning apps is essential. Customers’ search preferences are tracked and personalized results are displayed to each one in order to stand out in such a crowded market.

    CMS Integration: This functionality allows you to manage and monitor all of the application’s digital material.

    In-App Chat: This feature allows for real-time communication within the app. Students can directly contact their teachers for answers to any questions they may have. Users of the application can also chat with one another.

    Multilingual: If the software is offered in several languages, it can attract users from all over the world.

    Payment Integration: The application’s integration of different payment alternatives allows users to make payments quickly and easily. PayPal, Stripe, NEFT, and credit/debit cards are just a few of the payment options available.

    If you have any additional features in mind for your mobile app, you may discuss them with our e-learning app development professionals. They would undoubtedly integrate it into your app and assist you in maximizing your revenues.

    Also Read : E-learning App Development Company

    Stacks of technology for developing an e-learning application:

    • SDK for mobile devices: Android and iOS are two mobile operating systems.
    • The environment in the Cloud: AWS
    • Verification by SMS, voice, and phone: Plivo, please send the grid.
    • GWT: or sophisticated programming
    • Database:  PostgreSQL, MongoDB
    • System for Streaming Media: JW Live, DaCast, Livestream
    • Integration of Payments:  Paypal, Stripe, Braintree, E-Wallets, Net Banking, and E-Banking are all examples of online payment systems.
    • Notifications by Push: Twilio, Amazon SNS, Push.IO, Map, and AdPushup are just a few of the services available.
    • Analytics in Real-Time: Big Data, IBM, Hadoop, Spark, Apache, Cisco, and Flink are just a few of the terms that come to mind when thinking of big data.

    A successful E-Learning Application Development requires the following team structure:

    A team of highly skilled individuals is required to design a dynamic E-learning mobile application. As a result, the members of the required team would be:

    • Manager of Delivery
    • Manager of the project
    • iOS Programmer
    • Android Programmer
    • Developer for the Internet
    • The front-end and the back-end Developer.
    • Designers of user interfaces and user experiences (UX/UI).
    • Designers of graphics.
    • Quality Assurance (QA) testers.

    Creating an e-learning application costs how much?

    An E-learning app’s development costs are largely determined by three factors.

    Features and complexity of the programme are taken into account:

    Costs are going to be reduced if the app-only offers the basics. For more extensive features and audio-video integration in an app, the price may be higher.

    The app is being developed for the following platforms:

    If the software is only for one platform, such as iOS, Android, or the web, the cost will be reduced. While developing an app for many platforms may cost more, it’s worth it in the end.

    Size and location of the development team:

    Hourly rates for app development vary by location. In the US and the UK, developers charge anything from $150 to $250 per hour.

    This has resulted in an acceptable hourly rate of between $20 and $70 for Indian developers.

    The Last Words!

    If you’ve been thinking about developing an e-learning mobile app, now is the perfect moment to do so. Get in touch with the best eLearning app development company if you have an app idea and want to make it a reality!

    Web Development Company adThanks for reading our post “Costs and Features of E-Learning Application Development”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.