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      Develop Your Own Fantasy App

      Dream 11 Clone App Development

      Our ready-to-use fantasy app script Ready to use can be customized as per your business. Beat your competitors with our Dream 11 clone fantasy sports app.


      Dream 11 Fantasy App Development

      Since the invention of the internet and smartphones, gaming has become a profitable business. Thus, start your own fantasy gaming business like Dream11 and launch a successful web and mobile-based business in a short period. Get ready to score big with our app. NBT helps you to create a new team by choosing players of their choice, schedule matches, participate in contests, and earn points.

      Our fantasy sports app like Dream11 clone offers customized features and covers various sports like cricket, football, NBA, hockey, and others. We will assist you to become a billion-dollar fantasy gaming industry in no-time.

      Dream 11 Fantasy App Development copy

      Fantasy Sports App Solutions


      Hockey Leagues


      NBA Leagues


      Cricket Leagues


      Football Leagues

      Other sports

      Sports Leagues

      User App Key Features

      User profile

      User Profile

      Users can create their profile by adding necessary details like team name, email address, password, gender, mobile number, etc as per the client’s requirement.

      Create your Tournament

      Create New Tournament

      Create your own tournaments by inserting details like contest name, total winning amount, contest size, entry per team, and others.

      Favorite sport

      Favorite Sport

      Users can select their favorite sport from the list of games and can play multiple sports in the app.

      Create my Team

      Create Own Team

      Players can opt for their team based on their awareness, personal preferences, and instincts.



      To register or sign-up, users can use an email or social media profile or can join using the referral code given by other users.

      Invite and Earn

      Invite Friends and Earn

      Share a referral code and invite your friends using any social media platform. You can also earn through this code.

      Social Sharing

      Social Networking Sharing

      Users can share their rankings and scorecards using different social media networks.

      My contests

      Show My Contests

      Players can view the number of joined contests, live stats, and results from the previous contest.

      Join a Tournament

      Join Tournament

      Players can join a tournament as per their preference and filter the listings. They can also view details like total winning amount, contest size, entry per team, number of slots filled, and others.

      CMS Section

      Admin Content Options

      It offers information in several parts like About us, Help, contact us, legality, Fantasy points system.

      Payment Options

      Payment Gateways

      Players can add money through different payment methods like debit/credit card, net banking, in-app wallets, etc.

      Admin Dashboard Login

      Using an ID and password, an admin can log in to the app.

      Admin Login

      User Management

      Access the user’s account by editing, adding, or deleting them.

      User Management

      Tournament Management

      NBT helps an admin to edit, update, add or delete the contests or anything in the tournament.

      Tournament management

      App Advertising Option

      Advertisements will help the admin to earn extra money, as they are placed strategically to ensure smooth gameplay. 

      In-App Advertising

      Live Match Data

      Users can view live match scores and player stats. Player sta

      Users can view live match scores and player stats that include points, credits, and other information.

      ts comprise details such as points, credits and other information.

      Live match score

      Push Notification

      Get the notification via email or push-notification to have information like team creation, match timings, match results, etc.

      Push Notification
      Admin Features

      Category Management System

      Easily manage the categories and update the status of the contest using this feature.

      Admin Key Features

      Admin Features-2

      Earning Management

      This feature enables to admin to view the total earnings and returns from various matches.

      Offer Bonus points

      Bonus points

      Admin can enjoy bonus points based on the performance and frequency of the players in the app.

      Manage Reports

      All Reports

      Generate and analyze the contest report, participants report, match report, earning report, and player ranking report.

      Real-Time Analytics

      Analytics Dashboard

      Update and store the real-time data in the database to assist in making better decisions.


      Admin can view upcoming/scheduled matches, the number of players, Live matches, already played matches, earnings.

      Security- Anti-Fraud system

      Security Solution

      The app offers a state-of-the-art anti-fraud and high-security system, designed to protect players from unforeseen external influence.

      Dream 11 Clone Solutions

      Turnkey Solution

      Powerful Solution

      NBT offers quality products, where you can start with ZERO time-to-market, capture the largest market share, and become the leader.

      Powerful Admin Dashboard

      User Friendly Admin Dashboard

      We help you control your websites and mobile apps completely that are available in your admin dashboard.


      Customizable Product

      Our team of professional developers helps you take-off and scale up your business rapidly using the most scalable robust products in each category.

      Whitelabel Solution

      Unique Solution

      Our app solutions are white-label to put whatever brand you want and don’t let your users know anything.

      Cost Effective

      Cost Effective Solution

      Our fantasy Dream 11 clone app offers advanced features in the product with affordable pricing.

      Native Mobile Apps

      Quality Mobile Apps

      Being the leading app development company, NBT offers iOS and Android apps with the best user experience on respective platforms.


      Yes! the script we offer can be customized, developed, and delivered easily as per your requirements.

      No, using clone apps can significantly shorten the process

      NBT offers free post-development support for 3 months. If any service is required after this period, feel free to avail our inexpensive paid support package.

      Yes! the payment of an app will be one-time and no hidden costs are involved.

      We will provide you a product source code. The application will be hosted on your dedicated server.

      Yes, we will assist you with all after launch enhancements. Our experts will help you in this in every possible manner.

      The app offers an in-built card and digital wallet system which allow users to make cashless payments through the app

      Why Choose Us

      Nowadays fantasy gaming business has become more profitable business. Dream11 Clone Development provides platform for multiple sport games to their customer such as cricket, football, basketball, hockey and many more with rich features and functionality. We give customers fully customized solution to their requirements and help them to get in the spotlight and make them to earn some money by playing their favourite sport.

      With the help of Dream11 Clone Development customer can manage the entire game and they can create a new team of their choice, also they can schedule matches, participate in contests and earn points as per their performance, and can win money as per the results. It has many features such as customer can easily sign up via email or social media, easily can create profile for team with the mentioned details, join in tournament or any contest going on, they will get choice to select their favourite sport, and can create a new team, they can also send the invites to their friends and family to earn points and can share their ranks on social media, payment options will be provided through which customer can add their money and CMS section which include about us, Help, contact us, legality, Fantasy points system.

      Dream11 Clone Development has additional features as well such as in-app advertising, live match score, push notification related to team creation, match timings, match results etc., real-time data will be updated, they can view upcoming/scheduled matches, number of players, live matches, already played matches, earnings and we protect players from unforeseen external influence.

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