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    Guide to TypeScript vs. JavaScript: Which Language to Use?

    Amit Shukla

    JavaScript has been one of the most popular programming languages since it was created in 1995. Even though it is old, it is still used a lot and is considered an important part of building websites.

    But now that Typescript is part of the development process; programmers can use another language that could make them more valuable to employers. In this article, we’ll look at the differences between TypeScript and JavaScript so you can decide which language to use for your next web app.

    How much is TypeScript different from JavaScript?

    TypeScript adds static typing and class-based object-oriented programming to JavaScript, but it still compiles to standard JavaScript. This article will examine the main differences and similarities between these two languages to help you decide which is best.

    Why is it so important to learn TypeScript?

    TypeScript lets you work with many data types, such as strings, numbers, booleans, enums, and unions. When errors are caught during compilation, the user never sees them during runtime. Runtime errors caused by types that don’t match can be avoided with a more reliable type system that uses interfaces to describe the structure of an object before it is used in code.

    Generics, Nullable Types, Default Parameters, and Overloading are all type-level features that can be used in JavaScript, just like they can be used in languages like Java and C#.

    How many people use TypeScript, and who?

    Major IT companies like Microsoft and Google use TypeScript.

    Also read : Difference Between Typescript & JavaScript That You Need to Know


    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript with features like static typing and support for class-based programming. This makes its code more predictable and easier to fix.

    Many developers who use TypeScript say that it helps them write more reliable code. TypeScript is just JavaScript, so you can use all JS tools if you want to.

    Characteristics of TypeScript

    TypeScript has classes, modules, and interfaces that make it easier to create reliable modules. This is because TypeScript is a free programming language that can be used on many platforms.

    The main things that TypeScript can do are:

    • Static typing.
    • Class-based object-oriented programming.
    • Support for Decorators.
    • Support for Modules.
    • Support for Interfaces.

    TypeScript has a large type of system with many features. Some of these features are supported for class-based OO programs, such as inheritance and encapsulation, as well as decorators for dependency injection and metadata specification.

    The Good Things About TypeScript

    TypeScript can work with classes, interfaces, generics, and modules. It can catch errors before they are run by using annotations. It works with many different languages, not just C# and Java.

    Most modern IDEs, like Visual Studio Code from Microsoft, Atom, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDE Ultimate Edition, and WebStorm from JetBrains, can do these things. In addition, all of these IDEs have debugging tools, making it easy to fix problems quickly.

    As you learn TypeScript, you’ll be able to find mistakes in your code without running it.

    How TypeScript and JavaScript Are Different

    Let’s look at what makes Typescript and JavaScript different.

    If you know JavaScript, TypeScript is a typed version that compiles to vanilla JavaScript. JavaScript. It gives you the classes, modules, and interfaces you need to make reliable parts. TypeScript can be used for large projects, and it can also be used with older versions of JavaScript.

    JavaScript is an interpreted language based on objects and helps programmers make dynamic web pages. For example, JavaScript developers can use Node.js to create servers that use an I/O event-driven model that doesn’t block (Node.js).

    Web developers mostly use JavaScript for client-side programming with popular front-end frameworks like AngularJS or ReactJS, server-side development with Node.js, and frameworks like ExpressJS or Koa.

    The Pros of TypeScript Regarding JavaScript

    • TypeScript is better than JavaScript in many ways.
    • TypeScript is a typed language, meaning errors can be found before the code is run. This will make finding bugs in your code much easier and faster.
    • TypeScript’s module architecture is better than JavaScript’s because it makes organizing code and reusing components easier.
    • Type inference can help you save time and effort when writing code.
    • A full set of tools can help with quick and easy development.
    • It’s better than JavaScript because it’s easy to read and understand.

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    Where is JavaScript better than TypeScript?

    There are many things to think about when choosing between JavaScript and TypeScript. First, you should figure out how big and hard your project is. If you have a simple task, JavaScript could be a good choice. But if you are working on a big or complicated project, TypeScript may be a better choice.

    Also read : Python vs JavaScript – Which is the in-demand programming language?

    To move forward, think about which languages you’d like your app users to be able to use. For example, JS is easier for new programmers to learn than other popular languages like Java and C++.

    But TS is a superset of ES6, which means that programmers who know ES6 and those who are moving from languages like CoffeeScript or Python can use it.

    Last, think about how many people will look at your code. Some programmers like JavaScript because it can be used in any browser and debugged across browsers.

    Getting to know Typescript and Java Script

    Typescript and JavaScript are quite different languages. Typescript is a superset of Javascript because it does everything that Javascript does and more. On the other hand, JavaScript is a small part of ECMAScript, the standard scripting language. Typescript is also typed statically, while JavaScript is typed dynamically.

    So, you must declare the type of a Typescript variable before using it (as a number, for example). If no type is given, “any” is the type of a variable. But JavaScript variables don’t have any kind by default. Typescript variables can’t get new types after initializing, but JavaScript variables can.


    Typescript and JavaScript will always be at odds with each other. Both have pros and cons, so which one you choose depends on your business needs and your level of technical skill. Typescript differs from JavaScript because it has a stronger type system that your IDE can enforce.

    Also, unlike JavaScript, Typescript has static type checking, which can be very important if you want to avoid coding mistakes.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.