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    How To Publish Your App To Shopify App Store For Approval

    Amit Shukla

    For developers and tech entrepreneurs alike, the Shopify app store is a fantastic outlet for showcasing their programs, which may significantly improve the value of a Shopify store’s inventory. If you have a concept that can be implemented to improve the features and functioning of many Shopify stores, you may have a skilled Shopify developer create an app to implement it. After completing the development process, the only thing left to do is submit it to the Shopify app for assessment and eventual publication. However, this is not a walk in the park for everyone. Before submitting the application, you must be aware of the proper procedures. In this post, you will learn about the processes that must be taken in order to submit your app to the Shopify Application Store.

    As a developer, it is understandable that you would want online merchants and developers to be able to purchase your app from the Shopify app store after investing a significant amount of time and effort into developing it. The following article is essential reading for every prospective Shopify developer or eCommerce store enthusiast.

    Why Should You Use the Shopify App Store? What Is It About Shopify That Is So Special?

    Creating Shopify applications has grown into a thriving industry in its own right. Shopify is one of the most widely used e-commerce store creation platforms in the world today, and it is available in over 100 countries. The Shopify app store has more than 4,000 applications available for download. These applications assist online firms in operating efficiently and without hindrances. With such a large number of apps available on the store, merchants and developers have a plethora of options to choose from. As a result, it is critical that you effectively market your Shopify app on the app store in order for it to appear in the appropriate section of the app store.

    Let’s first learn how to submit the app to the App store so that we can learn how to sell the app.

    As a Shopify developer, you need to be aware of this.

    As a Shopify developer, there are a few things that you should be aware of before learning anything else about the platform. To begin, Shopify apps are web-based programs that extend the functionality of a Shopify store by adding new features. A limited number of features and functionalities are included with the Shopify web development platform, and these cannot be expanded by just adding a few lines of code to the codebase. You must decide what type of app you will develop based on the goal of your app and how you intend to sell it on the app store.

    Also read : Shopify vs Amazon FBA : Quick Comparision to make

    Apps can be classified into three categories:

    a. Applications that are made available to the public

    In order to get a large number of Shopify merchants to download and install your app, you must first create a public Shopify app. The following are the features of a public Shopify app:

    • It is possible to deploy it on numerous Shopify stores.
    • It is necessary to go through the approval process.
    • Offer the app for sale in the Shopify app store.
    • This is done and managed through your partner dashboard.

    b. Customized Software Applications

    An app for a single store will be developed as a custom Shopify app if you are working on a single store. It will be available in the store for which it has been specifically planned and developed. The following are the features of a custom Shopify app:

    • Don’t bother going through the approvals procedure.
    • It is not possible to be listed on the Shopify app store.
    • You are unable to charge merchants for them using the billing API.

    c. Apps that are only available to you

    Shopify development businesses create private apps for merchants who have particular requirements that cannot be addressed by the standard Shopify applications. The following characteristics are included:

    • Designed just for a single Shopify store.
    • Don’t bother going through the approvals procedure.
    • It is not possible to be listed in the Shopify app store.
    • It is created and handled within the merchant’s Shopify administration

    The Requirements for Submitting a Shopify Application

    Don’t expect Shopify to greet your development with a friendly gesture just because you’re developing. There is a requirement that must be met by all public applications. Regardless of your marketing plan, if your app fails to get through these checkpoints, you will have to re-design the entire thing from the ground up.

    1. App Configurations That Are Prohibited or Restricted

    Several types of apps are not permitted to be published in the Shopify app store, including gaming apps. You are not permitted to bring the following sorts of applications:

    • Apps that function as payment gateways or that change an existing payment gateway
    • Apps are bits of standalone software that must be downloaded to a computer before being used.
    • Apps that rely on the interaction between a merchant and a partner to function.
    • Shopify apps that make little or no use of Shopify’s APIs are known as “Shopify-lite” apps.
    • Apps that manipulate or fake data.
    • Outside of Shopify’s checkout, third-party apps can process Shopify payments.
    • The same Shopify app developer has produced a number of apps that have overlapping features with one another.

    2. Information on Shopify Apps’ listing information

    You must be able to direct internet retailers to your Shopify application. The listing must include information about the app’s features, user interface, and functionality. Certain considerations must be taken into consideration when promoting your app – for example,

    Translate Your App Listing’s Description

    If you are developing a multi-lingual application, you can make it available in various languages in order to reach a larger number of people. You have the option of either adding or removing the translated app for any supported

    languages from the Shopify application store. You must do the following in order to translate your application:

    • Obtain access to your partner’s account.
    • Select Apps and then the name of your app from the drop-down menu.
    • You can find a list of available apps by visiting this page.
    • To add a translated listing, click on the “Add Translated Listing” button.

    Information Regarding Your Application

    It is critical that you communicate the appropriate information to your target audience. You won’t be able to develop a Shopify app marketing strategy unless you pay close attention to the details about your app.

    The App’s name and tagline are as follows:

    The tagline should be brief and direct. Make an effort to come up with a name for the app that accurately describes its features. It would be considered an add-on to the overall marketing plan.

    • You are not allowed to contain the word Shopify in the name of your app, and the name must be less than 30 characters.
    • This should be a one-of-a-kind and concise title.
    • It is not possible to incorporate the name of a Shopify partner account in the name of your app.
    • Create a distinctive tagline that does not contain the word Shopify.

    The App’s icon is seen below.

    Create an app icon that is eye-catching, minimalistic, and easy to recall. Listed below are a few options to get you started:

    • The icon should have a resolution of 1200 pixels by 1200 pixels and have the following dimensions
    • There will be no text, screenshots, or images included.
    • The logo shouldn’t extend beyond the edge of the image unless it is necessary.
    • The corners should have a squarish appearance.

    Keywords to Look For

    If your Shopify application is focused on abandoned carts, how would online retailers learn about your app? Of course, you may find it by searching for the “abandoned carts app.” This is a search query that has been submitted. Shopify only allows for a total of five search phrases. You must therefore take these five search words extremely seriously if you want your app to be discovered as quickly as possible. Listed below are a few options to get you started:

    • Always use whole spellings — for example, dropshipping instead of drpshp – to avoid confusion.
    • Don’t use the word Shopify in your title.
    • Don’t use the name of your competition as a search term.

    Specifications of the application

    Following the entry of the app’s basic information, you must provide it with some extra information. Even while not everything in this part is required, if you want to successfully advertise your app, you must go the extra mile, which can make all the difference.

    Video for Promotional Purposes

    For every thousand words, there are millions of video words. Create an enticing promotional film for your app that can demonstrate the capabilities and functionalities of your app to potential customers. Demonstrate how your app can help them improve their existing Shopify store. Listed below are a few options to get you started:

    • The video should be between two and three minutes in length.
    • The video can incorporate screenshots for promotional purposes only in 25 percent of its length.

    The Most Important Advantages

    With one graphic, you can highlight three of the most important features of your Shopify app.

    Banner for the Featured App

    In order to have your app featured on the Shopify store, you must upload an image that effectively showcases your app. Listed below are a few options to get you started:

    • The banner should have a resolution of 1600 pixels by 900 pixels.
    • There is no additional text included in the file except for the text name.
    • When displaying the information, the corners should be square and rounded.
    • Leaving a 100-pixel buffer around the outside corners of the image is recommended.

    URL for a demonstration

    Distribute a link to the sample store so that merchants can see a live demonstration of the application. If your app requires a more in-depth sneak-peek, you can include a link to a demonstration video.


    Make sure to select the billion option in the pricing information area. As far as billing options are concerned, you can choose between free installation, periodic adjustments, and one-time fees.

    Information about how to get in touch

    The online retailers will be aware of your apps and will be able to contact you if they have any questions.

    Sales and Customer Service

    If you are supplying a translated listing, you must also provide phone and email support in the language of the listing. Some items that you consistently say are as follows:

    • Email
    • URL of the website
    • Phone
    • URL for the privacy policy
    • FAQ

    3. Configuration and installation

    There are some prerequisites that must be met in order to ensure that your app’s Shopify merchants receive appropriate guidance.


    Make certain that the requests are for permissions that are required for the capability to function. It has something to do with the privacy of Shopify merchants and their concerns. If you want to successfully advertise your Shopify app, you need to be direct and liberal in your approach.

    4. Functionality and overall quality

    There are three prerequisites for optimal functionality: a user-friendly interface, fast performance, and billing. As a Shopify developer, the user interface (UI) must have the following elements: buttons, controls, setup, and onboarding instructions.

    5. Security and Merchant Liability

    Before constructing the Shopify app, make certain that it is safe and secure for merchants to utilize. Listed below are a few options to get you started:

    • Instead of using actual passwords, it is necessary to use salted password hashes.
    • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) must be prevented in the application.
    • Should be served over HTTPS, with an SSL certificate, to prevent data theft.

    6. Data, user privacy, and customer service

    When it comes to protecting the privacy and data of your users, there are specific legal standards that your app must adhere to. Following the submission of the app, you must assist the merchants who have agreed to support it. Several suggestions to bear in mind include the following:

    • If your app is utilized by merchants in Europe, or if your app connects merchants with purchasers in Europe, then your app should be GDPR compliant in order to function properly.
    • When you list your app, you should add a link to the privacy policy as well.
    • If your app performs marketing and/or advertising campaigns, it must have a system in place that allows users to give their agreement to be contacted for marketing purposes.
    • must include up-to-date information on how to reach an emergency developer.

    Requirements that are specific

    Everything listed above is required, and every Shopify app must pass through all of the preceding stages in order to be approved. Shopify developers, on the other hand, have some additional requirements that you must meet in order to be considered successful:

    • Store on the internet
    • Embedded Applications
    • Sourcing of Products
    • Developers of mobile applications
    • Sales Channels are a term used to describe the various ways in which a product or service is sold.

    The Best Way To Promote Your App On Shopify

    The Shopify store offers a plethora of opportunities for you to sell your application. Even though many developers expect this to serve as a “growth hack,” it is not a definitive solution. The functionality of the app, as well as the identity of your target merchants and the nature of your short- and long-term product roadmap, are all critical to its success. You cannot use a single strategy to market your Shopify app in its entirety. Here are a few examples:

    1. Place advertisements in the Shopify App Store.

    You may design search advertising so that the seller can simply find your program on the App store’s website and download it. The advertising is not significantly different from those displayed by Google Ads, however, you must adhere to the Shopify partner terms of service. You would be able to market your app on the Shopify store after carefully reviewing all of the terms and conditions. Because the keywords will be used in search queries, a thorough study should be conducted on them. Concentrate on keywords that are relevant to the businesses and can be found through searches.

    2. Keep track of the traffic to your listing.

    If your app begins to be discovered by sellers after the first stage, you must keep track of how sellers are discovering your app. You may track the traffic to your listing using Google Analytics or the Facebook pixel. Many developers do not pay attention to the source of their traffic. The following are the actions to take in order to set up Google Analytics:

    • Log in to your Partner Dashboard to get started.
    • To configure analytics, open the app and click on it.

    Fill out the E tracking section’s tracking ID field with the tracking ID you obtained from Google Analytics and save the changes. Following these instructions will enable you to create Facebook pixels; nevertheless, in the E tracking area, you must enter the Facebook pixel tracking ID and click on save.

    URL Parameters are a collection of information about a website’s URL.

    When a retailer checks your app’s availability on the store, Shopify transmits certain URL parameters to the retailer. Including these URL parameters in your marketing strategy will help you to segment your traffic and identify which media is bringing in the most customers. This will allow you to focus your efforts on the promotions that are bringing in the most customers.

    3. Recommendations

    Product reviews can help to boost the legitimacy of a product. In the same way that an article ranks highly in search engine results because of its substance, an app will rank highly in search engine results when a merchant leaves a review on the app. However, not every retailer will leave a review once they have used the application. You’ll have to keep following up with them until they’re willing to give you a review. However, avoid being aggressive in your approach because this can have a negative impact.

    4. Prepare a Press Release (optional).

    Obtaining positive app reviews is one of the most effective ways to sell your product, but a press release can also help to get your product noticed. Contact press@shopify.com for further information. The release will be reviewed by the team, and they will respond as soon as possible.

    5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising

    Many Shopify app developers limit themselves to running advertisements within the Shopify ecosystem. However, in order to gain a larger audience, you may need to promote your app on Google and Facebook platforms. Shopify has a large following on Facebook, which has a large number of followers. They are not only interested in following, but also in participating with a lot of enthusiasm.

    Final Thoughts

    The purpose of this post is to walk you through the process of submitting and marketing your Shopify application. You can finally obtain the recognition you’ve always wanted for your design and coding skills. As the leading Shopify development company in India, we have extensive experience designing custom Shopify applications as well as publishing and marketing them on the Shopify platform. Rather than relying on hunches, it is always better to plan ahead of time. In addition, we assist you in improving your strategic planning.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.