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    9 Best Practices for Translating a Web or Mobile Application


    We created this follow-up after receiving so many comments and requests on our previous post concerning website translation. Here are some of the best practices we’ve utilized to help our clients with online or mobile app translation and localization get great outcomes.

    Do you intend to expand your business internationally? Are you looking for a way to make your online or mobile application more accessible to a wider audience by translating it? You’ve come to the correct place because this post will cover some of the best localization strategies.

    You can access a new market, raise brand exposure, and generate revenue by translating your software. Going global opens you a lot of opportunities because international buyers prefer to use their native language while shopping online. To be more successful, you should make your apps available in their native language.

    Plan Your Approach.

    Identifying your target market and language is one of the first steps in-app localization. Examine your current users to see if they have any untapped potential. Before you start growing abroad, consider whether there is a market for your app in the country you want to go after.

    Before you launch your app, make sure it’s localization-ready. Make a distinction between the original code and the information that will be translated later. Internationalizing your software ahead of time will save you a lot of time and money later on in the project.

    Take Advantage of a Translation Agency’s Services.

    For a successful translation, it’s imperative that the user experience be seamless. Having your app translated, optimized, and localized by a reputable translation service is the best option.

    App localization, which includes formatting, editing, and cultural adaption, is handled by professional translation services. When translating, certain languages change the length of words or the direction in which they are written; with the help of professionals, you won’t have to worry about these changes.

    Professional translators are familiar with a variety of file types and will ensure that they can work with the data you submit. You may then integrate their work immediately into your app and revision control system without having to do any additional work. This will also help to speed the process and decrease unintentional human errors. At Language Buró, for example, we will offer the translated copy in the same format as the original.

    Bundles of resources.

    All the text and messages you want to translate should be placed in resource bundles, which are individual files in your app that include the original text to be translated. All well-known frameworks for building web and mobile apps include libraries to make this process as quick and painless as possible. Exporting the development language or base localization for translation is the first step when developing an app for Apple devices. Now is the time to begin creating the Android localization directories and resource files.

    Set the scene.

    Make careful to include instructions on the application interface so the translation agency understands the context of your communication. Take your time to explain what your strings should do to translators. Give them access to the user interface, screenshots, and notes. Your professional partner will be able to translate the app clearly and properly if they have context.

    Some languages require extra text space and letters, while others may change the direction of the text. As a result, app localization begins with the development and design of the app. From a visual standpoint, your UI should be localization-friendly as well. Also, if any labels must not exceed a certain length, you should let the translators know ahead of time so they can work around the restriction.

    Make a glossary of terms.

    Provide a glossary for the translators if your app employs company-specific terms. A glossary will aid in the consistency of the wording throughout the application, resulting in a better user experience.

    Logic in language

    You’ll have to include extra logic to account for grammatical changes between the target languages. Make sure this is done correctly in your application, and give your translation partner instructions and guidance on how to apply the rules in the translated version.

    Remove all text from images if you want the project to function smoothly. You’ll save a lot of time and work in the process! It is preferable to programmatically overlap and use filler images in place of the main image. Avoiding images with text in another language makes your web or mobile app more accessible by translating it? This essay will highlight 9 Best Practices for Translating a Web or Mobile Application. demonstrates to consumers that the program was created with them in mind.

    Although translating and localizing a web or mobile application can be difficult, you’ll be able to provide a unique experience to audiences all around the world with the help of a competent translation company.

    Web and mobile application translation services at Language Buró go beyond simple translation. We offer localization and content optimization services to enable a smooth transfer from one language to the next. We’re excited to get started on your project, so please schedule a free consultation with us here.

    Text and images should be separated.

    If you want your project to operate smoothly, make sure that any text from images is eliminated. Avoid mixing visuals with text in a language other than the one in which the software is being used to demonstrate that the program was built with the consumer in mind.

    Although translating and localizing a web or mobile application can be difficult, you’ll be able to provide a unique experience to audiences all around the world with the help of a competent translation company.

    Web and mobile application translation services at Language Buró go beyond simple translation. We offer localization and content optimization services to enable a smooth transfer from one language to the next. We’re excited to get started on your project, so please schedule a free consultation with us here.

    Make your web or mobile app more accessible by translating it? This essay will highlight 9 Best Practices for Translating a Web or Mobile Application.

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