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      Airbnb for Parking Development – Effective Parking App Solution

      Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App is one of the most innovative ways to avoid the jam-packed metro city. This app will help in finding free parking space in no time directly from the smartphone. Next Big Technology will use the most advanced technology to give the client the best option for an investment option.
      airbnb-for-parking- banner-img

      Innovative and Advanced Solution to find Parking with
      Airbnb for Parking Development

      Not much free parking space is available in the market due to the rising population and ownership of vehicles. Due to globalization, the population in urban areas is rising rapidly. Just like any other problem, finding free parking space at the time of need is rather difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. The large city is facing a parking crisis due to easing vehicles, only a few of the parking spaces will be available at a time. In most cases, people circle to find a parking space near the destination.

      This is one of the major concerns of every vehicle owner in any city. Just like any other solution, we can get a digital solution for finding parking spaces as well. Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App will allow booking the parking spot according to the demand of the vehicle owner. We are offering the best possible solution to this difficult situation and also offering to invest in this great business opportunity. Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App will get to have a lot of potential customers due to the emerging need for free parking space.

      Features of Airbnb for Parking App

      Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App will be offering the customers great features with user-friendly UI.
      Customer Management-icon
      Every new customer needs to register into the app using the email id or phone number. This is the basic requirement to use this app seamlessly.
      Multiple Payment Integration

      Due to the advanced payment integration, every customer will get the estimation of the parking spot booking before confirming the booking. Once the customers confirm booking, they can easily use the multiple payment options to confirm the booking. Multiple booking payment options include debit cards, credit cats, online payment, e-wallet, etc.

      Virtual Geo-Location-icon
      Location-Based Advanced Search
      Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App uses the location-based search using the GPS to locate the nearby available parking spot. All the detailed data will be available along with the available free parking space.
      Complete Parking History
      Get all the records of the parking history along with time and location for future reference.
      Price Estimation
      Quick Price Estimation
      Get the estimation of the free parking space for the duration accurately in the Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App. App uses the parking meter feature using along with location search.
      Reviews and Ratings-icon-01
      Reviews and Rating Dashboard
      Every customer can rate and review any parking space in any location for others. This will inform other customers about the price, accessibility, and availability and help them take decisions accordingly.
      Scheduled Parking
      Scheduled Parking
      Customers can pre-book any free parking space with additional advance payment to confirm the availability of the free parking space.

      for Parking App Development Process

      We will walk you through the entire process of Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App development. Get to know about the entire benefits you will be obtaining from Next Big Technology.
      01. Understanding Client’s Requirements
      We are determined to analyze and understand the requirements of the clients. This will help us to get an accurate idea about the need of the clients.
      02. Organized Planning
      After completely understanding the requirements, we plan properly to execute the entire project accurately.
      03. Creative Design
      Our team of designers will work hard in delivering the creative app with the flavor of the brand. All the features and UI will be appealing to the customers and enduring seamless access to Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App.
      04. Development Phase
      We will continue our development process in the front-end and back-end phases. We will have a dedicated team for both phases to have quick and effective project handling.
      05. Testing Phase
      After the project is being successfully developed, the team of experts will test the app. They will ensure the app will be free from glitches and bugs to ensure the robust nature the app.
      06. App Launch

      This is the final stage of the development, and the app will be launched on major platforms. Once the developers and client have given the clearance, the Next Big Technology’s Airbnb for Parking App will be published into the Google Play Store for Android ad the Apple app store for iOS. This will help in reaching the majority of the people using the platform.

      Tech Stack


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