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    What are the Technology advancements in mobile app development?

    Amit Shukla

    Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. Everything is executed from the installation of mobile apps on our mobile devices. It includes waking up with a morning alarm, using Whatsapp, listening to music, reading News, and so on. The resellers of mobile application development services need to keep up with new trends to better serve their clients. It also works for content creators and producers who are ready to take their brands to the next level with mobile development.

    Hybrid Mobile Apps

    1. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

    Today, artificial intelligence is no more a new phenomenon for people. The majority of market areas are eyeing to have the system integrated together with human intelligence. Moreover, the medical and manufacturing fields have made great advances to promote efficiency through artificial intelligence. This is due to the high accuracy and ability to capture real-time events.

    Also Read: Artificial Intelligence: Transforming the Way WordPress Works

    1. The surge of On-demand Apps

    In the app world, things are getting more interesting due to the expectations of different sectors to introduce more on-demand apps. There are countless on-demand apps today. The most popular on-demand mobile applications include Uber and Taxify that have gained a lot of popularity.

    Also Read: On-Demand Beauty Services App Development Cost and Features

    1. Integration of Wearable Apps

    Some popular sectors like medical facilities have made use of wearable apps on a daily basis. For instance, the apps used to get the vitals to include the heart rate and blood sugar levels in patients. Besides this, various companies are expected to make a move to have this encompassed. The benefits of wearable apps are to enhance the style and personality of people. Moreover, people believe that large numbers of fancy apps are introduced on smartwatches.

    1. Chatbots

    Chatbots have taken over various communication aspects in the mobile app world. It is related to the need to have real-time interaction between the service providers and customers. Nowadays, the top app development company in India is making a profit partly due to the large customer engagement. Mobile users follow the tendency to abandon mobile apps after some time. That is why chatbots are used to tackle this issue.

    1. Internet on Things

    The major industries in the market mainly focus on IoT. It is already making its way to the operations. Today, the majority of sectors like education and e-commerce capitalize on the internet of things. The popularity of this platform is encouraged by the capability to interlink various aspects of an organization.

    Also Read: IoT and Healthcare Sector- Benefits Revealed

    1. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

    AR and VR technology has made great advancements in the field of mobile app development services. These applications can make the experience more interactive. The next big technology mobile app company is going great when it comes to the investment in the ‘beyond the screen’ technology.

    Also Read: AR Based Mobile Apps – How they Are Revolutionizing the Travel & Fashion Industry?

    1. Enhancement of App Security

    The increase in the number of mobile applications in the market enables app developers to boost the security feature. Various global companies are likely to minimize such incidences to attain their reputation. Also, there are projections in the increase of start-ups that venture to provide different security features. This influences developers to improve the security aspect of other applications.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.