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      XD To HTML

      XD to HTML Services

      Widget & CMS Ready Coding

      We always convert XD to HTML in proper structure, so it can be used with different CMS and Frameworks or any other backend solutions. We code it in form of block, sections and widgets which make it easy to implement with any backend solution.

      Highly Customizable

      We always code XD to HTML with best HTML practices which make it easy customized in any way we want. Our build HTML can be easily modify or updated as per client requirements.

      Excellent Quality

      We create high quality HTML with proper standard HTML code and we test HTML on different devices and browsers to make sure it works perfect on all kind of platforms.

      Tested & Quality Code

      Our HTML code is properly tested and well written to match HTML quality standards. We written w3c validated code to match all quality of HTML.

      Best Code Practices

      We always use best coding practices while making HTML of any XD file. We make it pixel perfect conversion from XD to HTML with proper coding standards.

      Page Speed Optimization

      We write optimized code and use optimized images, which make our HTML run fast. Our created HTML perform very well on all devices and load very fast. We follow Google Page Speed guidelines.

      Seo Friendly Code

      We write SEO friendly code, and we always develop HTML as per SEO standards. So that it can be easily indexed on Google. Our build websites got easily indexed on Google.

      Fully Responsive

      Our built XD to HTML is always fully responsive and works perfect in all kind of devices including laptops, desktops, mobiles, ipads and all kind of different sizes screens.