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      Uber Clone Script Development

      Uber clone app of next big technology is the perfect solution to set up your taxi business. The taxi dispatch system consists of both Android and iOS applications for both driver and passenger. The additional admin dashboard feature allows them to manage the system. You can start your cab business with the best Uber clone app from the next big technology.
      Our app development solution can be pulled with minimal efforts and can be used to develop unique transportation apps like trucking app, carpooling app, car rental app, bike taxi app, etc.

      NBT Taxi User App

      Live Geo-tracking

      Users can check the location of the nearest drivers in real-time with this taxi app solution. Driver can also easily track the pickup location of the user to save their time.

      Change/ Cancel Ride

      Users can easily change and cancel any ride they want and book a new one, in case the driver denied to come at pickup location.

      Payment Mode Integration​

      While making payment for their completed ride, users can choose any payment method they want.

      Reviews & Ratings

      Customers can review and give ratings to the driver and ride they have taken to let them avail rewards and points. The same goes for driver, as they can also review and share their experience with the customers.

      Social Media Integration

      Users can easily register to your app with social media platforms like Facebook & Linkedin. Same works for the taxi driver.

      Contact Driver

      Users can connect with their drivers anytime. You can connect with them, in case they are taking longer to reach your location.

      NBT Taxi Driver App

      View Earnings

      The driver of the clone app can track their daily/weekly earning. They can check their earning for every ride they complete with the help of our app.

      Map Integration

      The app is integrated with Google maps that allow the driver to navigate to the pickup location of the user. Also, they can easily navigate to the drop locations of the customers.

      Subscription Package

      Drivers choose a package based on availability for a day/week/month. They pay in-app using debit/credit card or deposit cash to Admin for activating their subscription plan to save and manage their funds well.

      Manage Drivers

      Admin can manage their drivers with this clone app feature. They can accept/reject the requests from the driver. This will help the admin to make sure the safety of its customers.

      Manage Price Cards

      Admin can add and edit the price of each available vehicle in a city. You can set a different Price Card for every different city.

      Basic Setup

      Drivers and Admin can easily configure country, vehicle type, pricing parameters, service areas, documents required, and pricing card.
      The driver app allows drivers to offer quick, flexible, and reliable services to their customers. The next big technology taxi clone app allows various features to the drivers. It makes our app unique as compared to other service providers.

      Taxi App Solution Development Services

      Flowchart of Complete Taxi App Solution


      Yes, our nbt taxi (clone app script) is the right fit for small, medium, and large size taxi companies. To work on this app requires the least guidance. The taxi app can be used anytime anywhere with all kinds of taxi services. We aim at keeping our software user-friendly and highly affordable.
      Our next big technology taxi application can generate multiple revenue models. Primarily, we make money by charging customers for rides and promotional offerings and third-party partnerships.
      Once our sales representative will provide you the details regarding the packages and payment method, you can contact us directly. If you are fully convinced of your payment procedures, our team will provide you an invoice for your purchase. Based on your convenience you can pay using different payment options.
      We appreciate and value your business and ideas. We deal in high specialization where we first make a gentle agreement and during our development phase with your project, we make a non-disclosure agreement to keep your app and ideas private.
      Being a custom app development company, but works with many non-technical clients across the globe. We help each and every client throughout their app development process. Our sales team will guide you in completing your project and its optimum solution. Our support team will solve your query anytime regarding our application.

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