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      Signal Clone App Development

      Get the best signal clone app with advanced functionality embrace the largest user base of customers.
      Signal Clone-banner-img

      Signal Clone App Development Services

      Next Big Technology’s Signal Clone app offers the best unique messaging services. Get exclusive real-time messaging service with the secure server. Get all the best features and functionalities which are developed with advanced tools and Technology.

      Features of Signal Clone App Development

      Get to know about all the highlighted features available on Next Big Technology’s Signal Clone App.
      Social Media Integration
      Social Media Integration
      The easy register and sign-up process can be done using social media integration support.
      Push Notifications
      Push notifications will inform the user of incoming video calls, missed video calls, incoming messages, received files, etc.
      The app is integrated with Google maps which allows the user to send the current location and even search the location to share with any contact.
      Multimedia Sharing
      Multimedia Share
      Easily share any multimedia files including audio, pictures, and videos.
      Sync Contacts
      Contact synchronization will allow the user to access all the users active from that particular contact list. Get all the updates on those contact easily into the app.
      Group Chat
      Group Chat
      Create and manage groups and chat with other members which are being added to the group.
      Voice Calling
      Voice Call
      Voice calling ability is also been included in the app along with recording capabilities and conference call features.
      Video Calling
      Video Call
      Get connected with the video calling feature with your friends and family using the app.
      Unique profile URL
      Manage Profile
      Easily manage the privacy of the profile along with the details using all the security options. It will also allow you to update your status and share it with others.
      Secure Conversations
      Secure Talks
      Secure the app with the password which will be needed for unlocking the app. This ensures the privacy of the app.

      Reasons to Choose
      Signal Clone App Development Solutions

      We have listed all the best reasons to choose Next Big Technology’sSignal Clone App for your business.
      Support In-App Launching
      Boost your sales with proper contact with their customers using the app.
      Hassle-free app experience
      Demo Application
      Get the complete demo application with all the exclusive features and functionalities to get the acknowledgment of the final project.
      The app is completely white-labeled and can be rebranded according to the preference of the client. This includes changes in design, logo, brand name, etc.
      On-Time Delivery-2
      On-Time Delivery
      With a team of expert developers, we can speed up the development process and complete the project within the promised timeline.
      Non-Disclosure Agreement
      We ensure the confidentiality of the project by signing a non-disclosure agreement with the client.
      Free Server Installation
      Free Server Installation
      Free server installation enables the best and seamless experience of the app.

      Signal Clone App Development Process

      Next Big Technology’s Signal Clone App Development Services is unique and advanced in its way. We have listed the complete procedure of a development period till the deployment.
      01. Increases Sales
      Boost your sales with proper contact with their customers using the app.
      02. Customer Allegiance
      Get connected with all the safely and securely.
      03. Brand Awareness
      We intend to market for your brand to boost the traffic in the app.
      04. Optimized Performance
      With optimal performance, you will get experience while using the app and its features.

      Tech Stack


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