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      We develop high quality and fully functional Shipping Management Application to match requirements of business.

      Shipping Management Application Development Company

      Today, the trends in Globalization and emerging business like e-Commerce have given great importance to the Shipping, Transport & Logistics industry. The world has become smaller and connected each day which enables people to buy luxury from anywhere, without worrying about logistics. Efficient shipping and timely tracking help in maintaining a high standard of customer service and assure maximum operational efficiency in terms of revenue.

      Being a shipping company, you might face a lot of difficulties in managing shipments. Here, the tasks are endless, from handling export-import documents to making proper labels and tracking shipment status. Keeping this in mind, Next Big Technology has introduced a shipping management app for your business.

      Our professional developers provide valuable features and customized applications in iOS, Android, and other platforms. NBT has years of experience in shipping software development. Therefore, they develop the best shipping software for their clients by considering planning, execution, and controlling the movement of goods, information, and people, across the supply chain.

      NBT is a leading mobile app and software development company in India. You can experience the expertise of our application providers who develop cargo management system software along with the UI for the multiplayer website or applications.

      Shipping Management Application Key Features

      Bulk Cargo

      You can cope with bulk consignment via the shipping management app of the next big technology. By using advanced options, you can track the consignments with ease.


      Real-Time Information

      Developers of NBT provide you real-time information via an app. You can get all the information in just a few clicks like price shipment, management reports, revenue generation, overall cost transaction logo, etc.


      Voyage Management

      Our cargo shipping management system allows you to plan and manage vessel operations. You can easily handle core functions like voyage planning, analysis of operating performance and tracking, etc.


      User Management

      The user management app helps you to understand the organizational hierarchy and user privileges.


      Crew Management

      Crew management helps to ship software companies to prepare a team of management. You can access some major functionality of this app like the requirement, sign on/off, crew contract, and requirement.


      Defect Reporting

      Users can track all the defects related to health, safety, quality, and environment that occurs in a vessel when it is at the port or sea. With this app at NBT, you can send all the defect reports effectively without compromising the actual information.

      Shipping Management Solution Development Company

      Are you looking to build Shipping Management System?

      How Does It Work?

      Send Request for Goods & Consignments


      Assign the Request to Company/Agent


      Select the Pick and Drop Point


      Check Shipment Details & Update


      Deliver Consignment


      Complete the Payment Process


      Send Notification to Admin & User

      How it works

      Why to Choose NBT?

      The next big technology provides multiple online apps and software by maintaining quality and security. We aim to reach the maximum number of users and provide them a greater customer experience with Mobile App Development. You can explore all the options and generate greater revenue by creating a better chance of winning with the logistics management software of NBT.


      24x7 Technical Support

      NBT is available 24×7 to provide instant solutions for your problems. Also, it offers expert support with customer interaction and cooperation.


      Seamless Communication

      We promote seamless communication to provide a greater experience to the users along with more personalized services.


      Flexible and Customized Solutions

      To provide flexible solutions to our clients, we collaborate from time to time and help them achieve the desired results. Our app is designed to suit all your specific needs with the utmost flexibility.


      Expert Advisor

      A team of expert advisors, software providers, and app programmers at NBT holds years of rich experience.


      Abundant Reputation with Developmental Services

      Users can get a variety of Android and iOS apps along with the graphics with a highly polished interface in the logistics management system of NBT. To serve you with the latest technologies, we use the best solution in the form of an app development service.

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