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      Construction Management System

      Leaders in Construction and Real Estate We manage many projects and give end-to-end information as construction ERP software. From the BOQ through Project Budgeting, NBT provides you precise cost and schedule management. Construction NBT software helps handle all work contracts and invoices.

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      Construction Management System - App Development

      NBT also creates Android and iPhone apps. We can build, test, launch, and manage bespoke mobile applications from scratch. It is our team’s ability to highlight and realise what makes our customers’ apps special that makes us proud.

      Construction Management System - Package Includes

      We specialise in construction software development and provide construction industry software applications that are tailored to specific company requirements. You’ll be able to do the following with our NBT software solutions:
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      Construction Management System- Features

      Live Updates

      To facilitate communication between the various parties, the system should have a simple reporting mechanism. This will enhance project productivity and make task

      Push Notifications

      Push notifications can be text, visual, or a combination of both to deliver your users content they may be interested in. Unsolicited communications are better than relevant and personalised push messages since they are directed only at the user and likely to be of interest.

      Service Admin

      You'll also require construction management software that can track and dispatch work orders, generate schedules, properly allocate assets and construction equipment, manage contractors, book contracts, and manage labour.

      Data Safety

      Standard security standards and regulations should be followed by the system. Outsiders must not have access to information that is stored or in transit. Security on par with that of a bank is required for all of your data.

      Project Control

      You need to be able to rapidly keep track of what's going on with your project. Stakeholders should be able to predict the length of time it will take to complete a building project. The programme allows you to keep track of your project's development.

      User Friendly

      When a builder runs out of a certain material, he'll use your app to place an order. Now, if the app UI is unclear or glitchy, it will be mostly ineffective. The builder will be unable to complete the transaction smoothly and will most likely not use the app again.

      Additional - Features


      Real-time Analytics

      Real-time analytics provide admins access to all company data. The software produces real-time revenue statistics, revenue predictions, and more, allowing admins to track both app and business success.


      Modern UI/UX

      In terms of UI/UX design, we constantly adhere to the highest industry standards.



      Running a website isn't easy. Even though your website has all the necessary functionality, it may fail to generate revenue. Thus, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is vital.

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      Customer Support​

      Pre-purchase questions, complaints, and order updates are all welcome. Many apps now provide in-app customer service chat, which is a quick and easy way to engage customers.


      Quick Login

      Maintaining a simple login process aids in the acquisition of additional clients for your designed app. Aside from that, make sure your work process is simple to use and place a request.


      Easy To Use Interface

      Many times, even after adding hundreds of useful features, your consumer may not be able to use it due to a poor navigation system.