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      Parler Clone App Development

      Are you looking for Parler Clone app development? Then we are here to assist you!
      Next Big Technology is here to serve your needs! Instigate a free speech social networking app similar to that of Parler!
      Parler Clone-banner-img

      Parler Clone
      Start An Free Social Talking App Like Parler

      Over times technology has grown and has been growing tremendously. But previous days were not so. Even immediate communication was infrequent before few decades back where there was no platform one can say where a person can freely express his/her thoughts.

      The arrival of technology in the hands of the people “smartphones” has brought changes. Parler is an app found by Johan Martz Jr and Jared Thomson. A free speech substitute to much bigger social platforms namely Facebook and Twitter.

      At NBT, we provide Parler substitute, E2E customization, highly scalable social talking app solution which might become popular in very short times and can replace social media platforms.

      Trust us100%, we are leading mobile and app development company. You can contact us and we would start working immediately at an affordable rate.

      Attributes Of Parler Clone Script

      Live News

      Live Feed, relevant to the users using the app and have become prominent and poplar would be posted on the homepage so that the other users would get to know regarding the updates and so on.

      Post Creation
      Create Posts

      Posts can be created, edited and published.

      Unique profile URL
      Login/Sign Up

      The user can register by feeding his/her details such as Name, short description about himself/herself, etc.


      Notifications concerning to several posts would be got to known. Much information related to the overall episodes, policy changes, etc can be got to known.

      Admin Panel
      Admin Panel

      A strong concrete admin panel is very much required to manage and to control the overall activity of the application.

      User Management
      Manage users

      The admins can block the users if they have breached any rules/regulations.

      Powerful Analytics
      App Analytics

      Use of the attribute would assist in knowing the performance of the business so that any imbalances can be traced and rectified.

      Social login

      The user can log into the account utilizing other social media accounts.

      Comment Section

      Users can easily comment on various posts published by other users.

      In-App Chat-3

      Internal in-app message is an exciting feature on the platform to connect with the users.

      How does Parler Clone App Function

      User Login

      Either through contact number or email address the user can register the Parler Clone application.

      Write & Post Content

      Users can create, edit and post the content.

      Home Page
      Home Page

      The posts published by the users and the fellow members who are following them are exhibited in sequential order on the home page.


      Users can like /dislike and share the messages.


      Users can easily logout of their profile very comfortably.

      Our Approach Towards Free Speech
      Social Media App Development

      01. Product and Business Specification

      Whatever may be your idea, just convey it to us, our experts and analysts are here to design and fix your idea in an efficient manner.

      02. Requirement Analysis

      Our expert team of professionals would go through the requirement thoroughly and after complete discussion, we would provide you with complete planner.

      03. Prototype

      The overall prototype of the social media platform – features, functionalities are fabricated in the app development process.

      04. Design

      We design each and every single app screen with the help of our proficient designers.

      05. Development

      The development team map the backlog plan that is consistent with the customer. Once the approval process is completed the contract is signed.

      06. Sprint Planning

      Pertaining to the complex level of the app, collection of development tasks is embarked to the closest sprint level.

      07. Overall Development

      Our developers who have in-depth knowledge and extensive experience are therefore here to assist with the development process and incorporate the appropriate features and functionalities.

      08. Test and Launch

      After rigorous testing process is complete and once the bugs/errors are fixed, the app is launched. We take the responsibility in installation and submission process of your app at Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

      Tech Stack
