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      Online Learning App Development Company

      We develop high quality, top notch and fully functional E-learning Mobile App for different learning programs.
      Pandemic situation has motivated students to make use of e-learning system immensely. We can also observe that the e-learning methodology would grow in the coming days. Therefore, if you are having any e-learning app idea just contact us and we can help you.
      E-learning system is the method of learning or acquiring knowledge regarding a particular subject either through website or an app. One can easily download and install the app flexibly and can continue with the learning process. Technology has touched every area and hence easier means of learning is created.

      Best Online Learning App Development Company in India

      Online Learning system has changed the scenario as a whole. New ways of interactive sessions – students with the instructor is being encouraged. Educational institutions are bringing up the novel and innovative proposals for students to learn through apps. The current COVID19 situation is about to change the perspective of classroom study. Though class room study would be prevalent, online study would be encouraged in future days once the pandemic ends.

      Next Big Technology is the top-rated e-learning app development company. We offer Online Learning app development solutions according to your needs. You can opt for either readymade Online Learning app solutions or customized Online Learning app development solutions according to your needs.

      We have successfully implemented many Online Learning projects for our clients. We can build on any platform.

      Our concrete Online Learning app solutions would benefit everyone.


      There are various kinds of Online Learning mobile apps and these apps would benefit specific group of people. Be it students, professionals, children or anyone who are interested in acquiring knowledge and so on.

      Whatever kind of Online Learning app you require, just talk to us and your job would be done! We are pioneers in building Online Learning apps. If you want to update the course material it can be done easily. Our Online Learning app solutions would be flexible in all ways and can accessed by the learners whenever` required.

      Benefits of Online Learning app for a learner:

      1. The learner can open the app and can go through from anywhere.
      2. Various functions.
      3. Offline access to the material.


      We have successfully implemented various features for our clients. If your requirements are to build a clone app similar to any kind of Online Learning app such as Udemy or Coursera, etc. You can talk to us as we can assist you in building such apps at a reasonable rate.

      User Panel

      1. Registration:The user can access the account by filling up of the required details and through social media also the user can log in. We make sure to keep the sign-up process as simple as possible so that the user does not abandon the app.
      2. Search:The user can search for what he requires in the field. Advanced search options along with filter and sort elements can assist in easier search process.
      3. Browse Categories:The user can browse categories and can choose from the list of subjects and therefore can access the app.
      4. Add to cart: The user can add the courses to the cart.
      5. Payment:User can utilize various payment options and can move ahead to make payment.
      6. Account Settings:The user can change and make some modifications according to one’s necessities.
      7. Wishlist:The user can add the interested courses to the wish list.
      8. Discounts/Offers:Through offers/discounts users can purchase the courses using the discount codes, etc.
      9. Reminders:The user can receive reminders regarding any deals, updates, etc.
      10. Rating/feedback:The user can give necessary rating or feedback regarding the service and the app.
      11. All courses:The user can add the courses to the favorite list or archived or downloaded list.
      12. Become an educator:The user can become an educator by using this element.
      13. In-app chat/call:The user can either call or chat with the educator.

      Educator Panel

      1. Educator dashboard:The dashboard consists of all the mandatory information required for the educator such as number of students who have registered for the courses, etc.
      2. Update course/material:The educator can create a new folder for a new course material and can also update the course material too.
      3. Create sessions:The teacher can create a session in PDF format and also video and audio classes can also be built.
      4. Create questions: The instructor can create questions for the students.
      5. Course focus:The user can set the course focus for each of the course.
      6. Educator:The person can set the price for the course material or they could make it free of charge.
      7. Discounts/Offers:The educator can set discounts/offers for the courses.
      8. Payment withdrawal:The person can withdraw the payments received.
      9. In-app chat/call: The educator can chat with the learners or make a call.

      Admin Panel

      1. Concrete admin dashboard to manage the complete Online Learning platform.
      2. Manage educators.
      3. Manage learners.
      4. Tracking the purchases made.
      5. Real analytics and statistics.
      6. Attend to issues or complaints.
      7. Check feedbacks/comments.
      8. Manage the site settings and much more.
      9. Manage categories.
      10. Manage payments.

      We integrate cloud services with the app for the storage purpose. We use latest technologies – AR/VR and much more advanced mechanism.


      Why do you need to choose Next Big Technology for your Online Learning app development?

      1. We have an experienced team of developers who can build versatile, rigid and secure Online Learning mobile applications.
      2. We use latest technologies AR/VR, AI, IOT to construct Online Learning apps.
      3. Our communication process is straightforward and transparent.
      4. We deliver in time.
      5. We hand over error free software with high standards.
      6. We offer support and maintenance services as well.
      7. We customize 100%.
      8. We build the software at an affordable cost.
      9. We have substantial experience in building Online Learning apps as we have built for various clients.
      10. You can trust us 100%.

      There are numerous Online Learning apps serving its purpose for various sectors. We can assist you in building any kind of Online Learning app. Just put forth your requirements and we would build the app as you desire. We can 100% customize according to your needs.

      Do you need an Online Learning app for your industry? Then contact Next Big Technology to get your Online Learning app built as you dreamt.