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      Lynk Clone App Development

      Get the best online logistic service solution and provide immersive delivery with the latest tools and technology.

      Lynk Clone App Development Services

      Provide the best logistic service to the customers who are willing to move their goods from one place to another. Always focus on catering to the need of a client with advanced technology and quick service. Next Big Technology’s Lynk Clone App will let the customers locate the vehicles for transportation of goods. Launch your completely customize and best porter clone app. Get in touch with us to get all the information you need for launching your porter clone app. Offer the best logistics service and easy to use to all the customers with an increased user base.

      Features of
      Lynk Clone App Development

      Get to know about all the highlighted features available on Next Big Technology’s Lynk Clone App.
      Social Media Login-4
      Quick Login
      Easily register and logininto the app by using an email address, phone number, and social media accounts.
      Find trucks easily
      Find Trucks Easily
      Choose a truck according to the preference of the customer with capacity and fare estimation.
      Organize Bookings
      Schedule your logistics booking according to your convenience.
      Know Tariff
      Get all the estimation of the shipping price depending on the location and number of items.
      Locate Trucks
      Easy access to tracking the whereabouts of the truck including mileage and the condition of the truck.
      Flexible Payments
      Simple Payments
      Get all the estimation of the shipping price depending on the location and number of items.
      Alert Notifications
      Stay Updated
      Stay updated with regular push notifications with the latest offers, discounts, and updates on services.
      Reviews and Ratings-icon-01
      Feedback System
      Customers were allowed to provide rating system feedback along with reviews to improve the service.
      Booking History

      Get access to all booking history of the logistics service directly from the app.

      Flexible bookings
      Flexible Booking
      Easily cancel any booking according to the convenience or issues from the app.

      Reasons to Choose
      Lynk Clone App Development

      We have listed all the best reasons to choose Next Big Technology’sLynk Clone App for your business.

      01. Referral Bonus
      Every customer will get a referral bonus for every successful addition of customers to the app service.
      02. Voice Control
      Voice control navigation is available in the app which makes it much easier for each feature to get access.
      03. Seamless Communication
      The inner feature of the app will help in connecting with customer care to have all the queries and issues resolved.
      04. CRM Tools
      Get the ultimate axis of all the contents and reviews from the dashboard to improve the service.

      Tech - Stack


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