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      Gympass Clone App Development – Best Fitness Discovery App Development

      Next Big Technology’s Gympass clone app will help you to step into the fitness and wellness industry with all the modern functionalities.
      Gympass Clone-banner-img

      Gympass Clone App Development Services

      Get the best result out of a healthy workout enabling various users to get connected with the wellness program and generate high revenues. Everything can be found online which will help various users to get them connected with the ways to get them energetic. This app is a fitness and wellness discovery solution where they will get unlimited access to various facilities around the globe. The wellness and fitness sector is one of the major industries which is continuously growing. Every human being needs fitness facilities and the demand is constantly increasing. We will ensure to make your entry to the fitness and wellness industry and be the best in the competition.

      Elite Features of
      Gympass Clone App Development

      These are the best possible features is being offered by Next Big Technology’s Gympass Clone App to the users.
      Activity Log
      Activity Log
      Easily manage every record including activity data, diets, health data, workout data, etc on a daily, monthly, and weekly basis. It will help the users to compare the data and regulate their fitness activity according to their requirements.
      The app is integrated with the timer which will help you to keep the track of the activities in real-time. You can easily manage the integrals and the record of the workout duration directly from the app.
      In-App Calendar
      Getting the complete overview of the training sessions along with specific dates will help you to easily track down the activities.
      Sync Devices
      Sync Devices
      The app can be easily synchronized with various devices including Android, Apple smartwatch, etc. Users can track all their data effortlessly using various devices.
      Track Activity
      Track Activity
      The app will enable you to record every kind of business activity which includes walking, running, jogging, etc. Get accurate data along with detailed reports on calorie burn, duration, heart rate, distance, and various other detail.
      Custom Alerts
      Users will get notifications regarding upcoming workout sessions and various other fitness activities with push notifications.
      Compare & Analyze
      Compare & Analyse
      Compare the fitness activities along with proper analysis, which will help you to improve in the fitness program properly.
      Social Sharing
      Share all the achievements in the social media accounts using social media integration in the app. Directly share all the results of your fitness activity using the share option.
      Personalized Suggestions
      Personalized Suggestions
      Users can analyze and make all the preferences and interests according to the customized recommendation done by various patterns programs.

      Custom Revenue Models Including Next Big Technology’s Gympass Clone App Development

      Next Big Technology is one of the best developers’ teams for app development services. We have listed all the possible reasons to choose Next Big Technology’s Gympass Clone AppDevelopment.
      Freemium Model
      Freemium Model
      Users can access all the basic functionality of the app for free, although there are several premium features in the app which need to be paid for. One of the great ways to attract users into the app user base and boost the revenue income. You can easily Rai store into the platform by using their credentials including phone number, email id, and social media accounts.
      Paid Version
      Paid Version
      The app will have subscribing membership packages which will allow the user to get all the premium features. This revenue generation is one of the most recommended in case your brand is well established in the fitness and wellness market.
      In-app Purchases
      In-App Purchases
      You can always combine the model of the app with both free and paid revenue to enable the users to have proper engagement. It is recommended to allow other users to access the app for free although there are a few premium features that need to be unlocked by paying the subscription fee.
      Advertising Fee
      Advertising Fee
      Allow the third-party ads to be statically placed in your app which will boost their business and you will generate the highest revenue income. It also needs to be confirmed that the ads will be related to health and wellness which will be relevant for the users or else they will be satisfied with the app.

      Development Process of
      Gympass Clone App Development Solutions

      These are the basic working process of Next Big Technology’s Gympass Clone App Development which will be ensured with every development.
      01. Requirement Study
      We will completely understand the client’s requirement by engaging with the business demand in the meeting. We will properly apply to the requirement and use all the tools and technologies for implementing the development process.
      02. White-Labeling
      The application is completely white-labeled and can be rebranded according to the preference of the Client or the business.
      03. Back-end Personalization:
      The team of designers will provide the best and unique creative user interface to have the most responsive and fluid experience for the user. Our team of developers is skilled and experienced and will use all the advanced tools and technologies for backend customization and setup. Developers will customize the app according to the business model and the requirements of all the APIs integrated into the app.
      04. Quality Checks
      After the app is completely developed it will go through various kinds of testing including bugfix and glitch resolve phase before being deployed.
      05. VOILA!
      After all the testing phase is completed, the app will be deployed into major platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows devices with complete fluid functionality.
      06. Deployment
      That app will be deployed into various measures platforms which will globally increase your business.