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      Amit Shukla

      Amit has been working for more than 10 years in Website Development and App Development. He has solid knowledge of mobile platforms (IOS and Android), PHP, All PHP Frameworks, All PHP CMS , Design, front-end development, and Specially WordPress, in addition to excellent interpersonal...

      Javed Ahmed

      Javed is a full-stack web developer with over seven years of experience working with different WordPress projects. For the last five, he has been mainly focused on creating top-notch premium WordPress themes and plugins. He has excellent communication skills and always aims to...

      Anand kumar

      Anand has over five years of experience as a full-stack PHP developer. He mostly works with PHP frameworks and develops WordPress websites. He’s an extremely fast learner, adaptable to new environments. Recently, he’s started to switch his focus to Framework Development...

      Yogesh Kumar

      Yogesh is a software engineer and architect with more than eight years of experience in many programming languages, libraries, and frameworks. He enjoys working in freelance mode to give him the opportunity to constantly develop new skills, and he is familiar with many different...