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      Arjun Kumar

      Arjun is a highly skilled Android Developer with over five years experience. He is especially good at Java, Objective-C, Kotlin and Swift.Extensive experience covers a variety of different project set-ups from building apps from start to finish to the development and continuous...

      Amit Shukla

      Amit has been working for more than 10 years in Website Development and App Development. He has solid knowledge of mobile platforms (IOS and Android), PHP, All PHP Frameworks, All PHP CMS , Design, front-end development, and Specially WordPress, in addition to excellent interpersonal...

      Lakshay Sharma

      Lakshay is a web designer and developer with experience across the web stack beginning in his early teens before web standards. He codes with an eye towards providing a quality user experience and interaction, and enjoys making creative decisions. He loves Php, WordPress, JavaScript...

      Javed Ahmed

      Javed is a full-stack web developer with over seven years of experience working with different WordPress projects. For the last five, he has been mainly focused on creating top-notch premium WordPress themes and plugins. He has excellent communication skills and always aims to...