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    Best Low Code Mobile App Development Platforms

    Amit Shukla


    The global low-code development platform market is estimated to be worth $13 billion by 2027; it is expected to be worth $65 billion.

    Low-code app development is becoming more popular because there is more pressure to get apps out as soon as possible.

    The development team can quickly work with other departments using minimal code development platforms to build applications of any complexity (such as sales, business analysts, and designers). In addition, this platform may have benefits like short development times and little to no maintenance needs.

    We’ve put together a list of the best low-code app development platforms to help you solve mobile app development problems and make apps quickly.


    Back4App is a must-have because it is the best low-code platform for making mobile apps. Using Back4App, you can build a backend that is fully managed and can increase. Backend-as-a-Service lets you change your backends without worrying about keeping them up to date. A single place for making hosts, building APIs, and putting out software.

    Being an open-source platform means many developers will work hard to help you reach your goals. You can always hire dedicated developers and work one-on-one with them if you need help with the low-code app development process or want to improve a particular feature. In addition, GDPR compliance is easier to set up, which makes your app safer and more secure. In any case, the table below shows the current number of Back4App users and their top clients.

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    Appian is one of the best low-code app builders because it automates many tasks to speed up and improve your business processes. In addition, app developers use this platform to keep all of their data in one place, which makes it easier for them to build, test, and release their apps.

    With this app development platform, you don’t need to know how to code to make native apps for both iOS and Android devices. It also lets users create their hybrid apps using a builder. As a result, making apps that work on multiple platforms has never been easier.

    It makes it easier for business process management, AI integration, and RPA orchestration to make software better. The top clients of the companies that use this app platform are shown in the table below.

    Zoho Creator

    Zoho Creator is one of the best low-code development platforms for getting apps out on many platforms. This app maker works with both the Google Play store and the Apple App Store, so you can make apps for both markets that are both commercial and personalised. In addition, to improve API interactions, they eliminate the need for manual coding and streamline the processes that go along with it.

    Thanks to the templates and code with the package, you can get up and running quickly. In addition, they give programmers a mobile software development kit (SDK) and a user interface (UI) toolkit to help them make high-quality apps with lots of features that require little or no coding.

    Included are all the tools you need to quickly add cutting-edge technologies, such as a tool for making integrations and standalone apps for many platforms.



    With OutSystems, programmers can design, write, and launch apps quickly and easily. Because of this, the product can be sent to customers faster, which makes the business run more smoothly.

    With this full-stack low-code development solution, deployments on-premise and in the cloud can be done with just one click. In addition, this low-code tool can speed up your digital transformation and make your mobile app development fit your needs. In this case, “anything” means improving experiences and automating business tasks.


    It is impossible to make a modern mobile app without AI. GeneXus is a low-code platform powered by AI and can be used to build a business and corporate app solutions that speed up change and improve capabilities.

    Based on the developer’s instructions, the app’s databases, front-end, back-end, server-side, and client-side services are automatically created.

    This framework lets you make apps for both mobile devices and the web. Because of its features and potential, it can be used on more than one platform. For example, with this framework, you can make a Windows or G-Suite for Business app. This system also makes getting apps out there and for businesses to work.


    BuildFire’s team is here to help you make apps that work well and are reliable for iOS and Android. The software development kit (SDK) for programmers has built-in features that make it possible to create apps with specialised features. You can release your unique mobile applications using agile project management and mobile app development best practices.

    With this app maker, you can make many different apps for many other reasons. In just three easy steps, you can make a mobile app that will set you apart from the competition and cut your development time.

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    People often change from Google App Maker to Mendix. It’s a great place for programmers to work because it has everything they need to make unique, exciting apps. It’s not often that a platform for creating mobile apps has so many features that it makes it easy to make apps that look good and can be deployed with just one click.

    Both native and hybrid cloud-based apps can be built with this framework. In addition, this tool can also be used to deploy software on-premises.

    A visually-driven platform for app modelling with fast deployments and on-time delivery.

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    You can combine several development tasks into a single environment with KissFlow. In addition, some parts of the app builder make developers more productive and give them new ideas.

    If none of the ready-made templates fit your needs, you can always start from scratch and build your features for the app. By extending a streamlined process, the tool helps to make corporate workflows more streamlined.

    Find the best environment for making your mobile app.

    We can’t ignore the fact that people want low-code development tools more and more these days. Because of the pressure to speed up development and deployment times, developers need to be quick and productive. This post covered the eight best low-code development platforms that let you make changes quickly, build apps, and use them in the cloud or on-premises.

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    Thanks for reading our post “Best Low Code Mobile App Development Platforms”, please connect with us for any further inquiry. We are Next Big Technology, a leading web & Mobile Application Development Company. We build high-quality applications to full fill all your business needs

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.