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    Rules of thumb when choosing a Content Delivery Network

    Amit Shukla

    More and more websites are turning towards CDN to have a more efficient and safer way of delivering content to their users. And, once you consider the significant boost in speed and server optimization that a Content Delivery Network provides, you will soon see why this is the case. So, should you simply find the first CDN provider and start using it for your website? Well, not quite. To find the right CDN, you need to keep in mind a couple of things. To help you out, we will go over the most important things to know when choosing a Content Delivery Network.

    How to choose a Content Delivery Network

    When it comes to organizing and streamlining your online presence, it’s hard to overstate the importance of choosing a Content Delivery Network. If you manage to choose the right one, you will ensure that your content is delivered to the people who are bound to value it the most. This, as you might assume, gives your content a much bigger bang for the buck. With this in mind, let’s take a look at the most important aspect that you need to keep in mind when choosing a CDN.

    Consider your content

    The first thing you need to consider when choosing a CDN is the type of content you wish to deliver. While it may seem obvious that you should always go for the CDN that has the largest bandwidth, the actual requirements for specific content are a bit more different. A critical thing to differentiate is whether you are using static or dynamic content.


    Person pointing to pie chart on a computer screen

    • Static content – For static content, you want to find CDN providers that have a decent number of POPs (Points of Presence) dedicated to your resources. The better the POP footprint they have in your desired area, the better performance your content will have. The most common example of static content is written content, especially in PDF form.
    • Dynamic content – For dynamic content, you want to focus on the quality of end-to-end connectivity. You should also pay attention to the optimization of the software stack and the intelligence of the middle mile.

    Where are your users located?

    Another essential thing to examine when choosing a Content Delivery Network is where your user is located. If you want to reach a worldwide audience, it doesn’t make much sense to work with a CDN that focuses only on North America. By the same token, if you want to focus on Florida, there is little use in getting CDN that has POPs worldwide. Your goal is to engage your local SEO and reach your audience as cheaply and efficiently as possible. And to make that happen, you need to find a CDN with POPs that are geographically close to your end-user footprint. The more you wish to spread out, the larger CDN you’ll need to find.

    Consider your budget

    There is no way of going around the fact that your budget will, in large part, determine what kind of a CDN you will be able to get. The idea is to get the one that is the most cost-effective. However, this can often be easier said than done. The one thing that we would recommend is that you carefully consider what kind of a CDN you’ll need. Changing your original setup will be costly, especially if you have to do so for an extended period.

    A phone with the text "I am here" written on it
    When choosing a Content Delivery Network, try to find a provider that gives you the best coverage for the lowest price

    You should also outline with your provider what kind of safety features go along with your CDN. A seemingly cheap CDN can easily cost you a fortune if you end up a victim of a cyber attack. So, do yourself a favor and always prioritize safety.

    How easy is it to communicate with your CDN provider?

    Using a CDN is a long-term service that you will get from your provider. Therefore, it makes sense that you should opt to work with a communicative and helpful provider. If there is some issue down the line, you’ll be much better off working with a provider that is easy to reach and quick to help. Read multiple online reviews and see what other people have to say about them.

    Ideally, you will find a provider with whom you have a great rapport, and that specializes in the type of content you wish to promote. For instance, if you plan on promoting content related to moving around the U.S., you should find a CDN provider with POPs all over the U.S. that promotes written content. Combine that with Movers Development, a professional digital marketing company that works with moving businesses, and you will boost your online audience in no time.

    A person talking with a CDN provider, showing you want to look for when choosing a Content Delivery Network
    Being able to communicate with your CDN provider easily shouldn’t be underrated

    Is a personalized CDN an option?

    Competing in modern online traffic is practically impossible without using a personalized CDN. You need to be able to quickly and efficiently provide the right content to the right people, and the only way to make that possible is with a personalized CDN. With it, you will be able to pinpoint new audiences easily and provide them with adequate content. Without it, you will, at best, lag behind your competitors. Or, at worst, be entirely out of the race. So, when picking your CDN provider, make sure that they can give you the necessary flexibility and customization.


    Final thoughts about choosing a Content Delivery Network

    As you can see, choosing the right Content Delivery Network is not only advisable but practically paramount. Without a decent CDN provider, there is little chance that you’ll be able to compete in today’s online traffic, especially if you have high-volume content that is catered towards a niche audience. Therefore, do what you can to find the right CDN provider. Most of those that are available to you will do a good enough job. But, you should really try to go the extra mile to find the one specifically suited for you. In the long run, this is always the most cost-effective option.

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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.