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    Job Search Mobile App – Must have Features & cost estimation

    Amit Shukla

    In today’s time, finding the right job for the right candidates is a complex task. With the introduction of the internet, this problem can be resolved by
    online job boards or job portals. But, due to the increasing use of smartphones, people are shifting from web-based job boards to Mobile apps. It will provide lots of convenience to both job seekers and employers.

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    1. Multi-Language Support

    Job seekers are from every corner of the globe. Therefore, integrating multi-language support in your app provides a much wider reach to the businesses. This will help them to attract many more users to your app.

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    1. Interview Scheduler

    An extremely useful feature of job finder apps allows the recruiters to schedule the interview as per the date and time they are available, directly from the app. This will help to build a positive impression of your app on the users. It allows you to focus on the main idea, where users can find a suitable job as per their knowledge and then schedule an interview with the company.


    1. Premium Membership

    If you wish to make profits directly from the application, this is the best feature one can have. It allows users to get access to extra features, advanced services, early job application access, and even the ability to request new features for the app. These users may be provided with more targeted and convenient job opportunities for their skill sets and personal situation.

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    1. In-App Communication

    Staying connected with your customers is essential. SMS, emails or push notifications helps you to stay connected with users. You can update them with the latest emerging jobs, market trends, and companies that require special attention. This feature of your app enables direct communication with the recruiter or the admin.

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    1. Cloud Integration

    Integrating cloud technology into your app is the most convenient and secure way of managing data. All the data of users, recruiters, companies, resumes, etc. is stored in the cloud for better and seamless workflow management. A recruitment app helps in monitoring and securing all the information by making the business overall safer.


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    Also read: A Complete Guide to Build a Job Portal App Like Naukri.com or Indeed.com!

    Cost of developing a recruitment mobile app

    Calculating the basic cost of recruitment mobile app development is stressful. This is because the cost varies as per the features that you desire for the app. The length and time consumption depends on the application itself. There are various factors that affect the cost of development. Some of the common factors include the specific features, the platform that the app is developed for, and the skillset of the team.

    Developing a job finder app for just one of the native platforms will cost you less. On the other hand, developing the same application for cross-platform will increase the cost. Also, the app that runs on both iOS and Android platforms is cheaper in cost.

    The development cost for recruitment or job finding an app with the most basic features will cost around $15,000 while the cost for advanced and up-to-date features varies from $30,000 to $100,000.ewallet app development


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    The Author
    Amit Shukla
    Director of NBT
    Amit Shukla is the Director of Next Big Technology, a leading IT consulting company. With a profound passion for staying updated on the latest trends and technologies across various domains, Amit is a dedicated entrepreneur in the IT sector. He takes it upon himself to enlighten his audience with the most current market trends and innovations. His commitment to keeping the industry informed is a testament to his role as a visionary leader in the world of technology.