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      Udemy Clone App Development

      Our udemy clone software provides a user-friendly platform for dedicated entrepreneurs to build their online education business.
      Udemy Clone App-banner-img

      Udemy Clone App
      Launch your own E-Learning Platform

      The best e-learning platform for anyone who are interested in gaining knowledge and to know any stuff. Easier means of learning process and access to numerous materials is another great advantage.
      We can customize according to the needs and tailor them exactly as you prefer

      Salient Features of Our Udemy Clone App

      Language Options-1
      Multiple language options

      The user can choose the language according to his/her convenience and can move ahead.

      Admin Dashboard
      Concrete Admin Dashboard

      A powerful admin dashboard is required to manage the complete process in a smooth manner. We can design impressive and robust dashboard where admin can set price/rate for the specified courses, organize courses and much more.


      We can customize and can present the ads without causing inconvenience or according to the needs of the advertisers.

      Instructor Dashboard
      Trainer Dashboard

      The teachers can access the app with much ease and can upload the materials, videos, content, etc.

      Check-Out Cart

      Check out cart assists users to pick various courses without any troubles using the feature.

      Payment Gateway-1
      Payment Gateway
      We can integrate payment gateways according to your preferences/needs.

      Referral links can be sent or shared to friends or relatives and can be used to earn points/rewards.

      Download Sessions
      Session Download

      The users can download the sessions once they have paid for the course & it can be done at any time.

      Notify Users
      Notification to users

      Notifications or alerts can be sent to the users so that they are acknowledged regarding any important information connecting with courses and so on.

      Our E-Learning Software Modules

      Our learning management software provides superior solution and you can trust us 100% and we can assist you in building learning management software at a much reasonable rate. We customize 100% and build exactly as you require.
      Custom Package
      Various combinations of packages can be customized.
      Advertising Fee
      Manage Ad
      Ad words can be used as a medium to administer advertising as well as revenue initiation.
      Immersive designs
      The product’s design is completely immersive and therefore magnifies the user experience.

      Methods to obtain revenue through Udemy Clone Script

      Earn revenue through prime courses.

      Courses can be customized and right rate can be set to get maximum profit.

      Earn revenue through commission.

      Each successful course and payment can yield commission from connected teachers.

      Earn revenue through subscription.

      If users opt for subscription method, money can be earned.

      Earn revenue through Ads.

      Association with various organizations and encouraging companies who have interests alike by placing their ad banners on your app would benefit you.

      Why Next Big Technology’s Udemy Clone?

      Visually Exceptional Design ​
      Strong Code
      Secure Code For Glitch-Free Functioning ​
      Customization And Support
      Enhanced Features
      Improved Features

      Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

      Yes, we provide 100% Customization. We build the product that exactly matches your requirements.
      Yes, we provide post launch modification as well as support.
      Yes, we provide installation support for all superior platforms.
      Yes, we provide post-delivery maintenance support.

      Connect with us now!

      Talk to us to get all your doubts clarified! We are here to assist you! If you are interested in building Udemy Clone app then NBT is here to assist you!

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