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      Shareit Clone App – Development Instant File sharing Solution

      Get the most efficient way for transferring files instantly and use it for your business.


      Launch the
      Shareit Clone App Development

      Even though there are various file transfer applications available in the market for mobile devices, only a few of them are having the functionality of instant transfer. These applications are available for both iOS and Android devices. Although Next Big Technology’s Shareit Clone App will give the best experience among others. We are inviting various entrepreneurs to launch a file transferring app for various kinds of media sharing. We are here to offer the services at reasonable prices which will help you to get connected easily.

      Features of
      Shareit Clone App Development

      These are the best possible features is being offered by the Next Big Technology’s Shareit Clone App to the users.

      File Uploads

      Easily upload any files using the app and it can be categorized into various categories along with adding a tag to find them quickly.

      File Search

      Any uploaded files can be easily search using the advanced filter feature which is included in the app.

      File Encryption

      Every file which is uploaded is the end to end encrypted and protect from all kinds of data theft and cyber-attack.

      Location Sharing
      Share your live location with other users to have access to files. Only transfer files in an encrypted and secure environment.
      Instant File Transfers

      Instantly transfer files between two users without any delay even if you are transferring multiple files at a time.

      View Documents

      View all the documents from the app without touching them using the file manager. The app supports every format of documents including Docx, PPT, PDF, etc.

      Overall Activity

      Get access to all the activities from this dashboard regarding all the files transferred along with date and time and size.

      Benefits of Using
      Shareit Clone App Development

      These are the major benefits of using the Next Big Shareit Clone App.

      Quick File Transfers

      Transfer every kind of file instantly using Wi-Fi direct apart from using traditional Bluetooth transfer.

      Supports All File Types
      Every kind of file type is supported which needs to be categorized into videos, images, audios, documents, etc
      Offline Access

      Easily share files with other users without having any access to the internet connection.

      Integrated Video Player

      With the integrated video players support every video transferred using the app can be easily watched in HD quality. There will be no buffering of videos while watching them from the app.

      Trending Songs

      The trending songs section will enable the user to access all the latest music in the market right now.

      Built-in Music Player

      An integrated music player will help in playing all the music which is been transferred using the app. No need to use any third-party music player to play the media file.

      Get unique personalized wallpapers and images from the app. Wallpapers include zip files along with PNG and JPG format.
      Intuitive UI/UX

      Get the most creative user interface with enhanced friendly accessibility to all the features in the app.

      Shareit Clone App Development Process

      We have discussed all the possible reasons to choose Next Big Technology’s Shareit Clone App for the business.

      01. Brainstorming
      Our developers will get in touch with the clients to understand all the requirements of the business model to provide the best possible outcome. We will ensure to use all the latest technology and tools to provide the best possible features for the app.
      02. UI/UX Design

      Get the user-friendly interface of app design by our creative team of designers. The app is easy to access with the best possible functionalities.

      03. Back-end Development

      We will design and develop every project in an expert manner and will focus on the vision of the entrepreneurs regarding the app.

      04. Testing

      Every project will be through the beta testing phase to ensure the best quality product with no glitches and bugs available before the launching phase.

      05. App Deployment

      After the app development phase is completed, we will deploy the app into all major platforms including Android and iOS.

      Tech Stack


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