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      Porter Clone App Development

      Embrace the most advanced logistic solution app. The app is completely customizable and can be easily branded according to preference. Use the opportunity to enter one of the most profitable markets.
      Porter Clone-banner-img

      Launch Your App with
      Porter Clone App Development Services

      Provide the best logistic service to the customers who are willing to move their goods from one place to another. Always focus on catering to the need of a client with advanced technology and quick service. Next Big Technology’s Porter Clone App will let the customers locate the vehicles for transportation of goods. Launch your completely customize and best porter clone app. Get in touch with us to get all the information you need for launching your porter clone app. Offer the best logistics service and easy to use to all the customers with an increased user base.

      Highlighted Features of
      Porter Clone App Development Solution

      Get to know about all the highlighted features available on Next Big Technology’s Porter Clone App Development.

      Shipper Panel

      Book a Schedule

      Schedule the booking according to your preference, get immediate service, or book for a later time.


      Easy Registration will allow the customers to use their email ID, phone number, or social media accounts.

      Truck Booking

      Easy selection of truck and can be booked according to the capacity requirement of the customer.

      Payment Options
      Multiple Payment Options

      Choose multiple payment options from the app to use various methods to pay for the service.

      Customer Management-icon
      Get complete customer care support to clear out all queries before or during the service.
      Prospect Trucks

      Choose a truck according to the preference of the customer with capacity and fare estimation.

      Live Tracking

      Use the GPS integrated services to live track all the trucks for logistic services.

      Alert Notifications
      Notification Alert

      The push notification service will alert you about all the progress and track location during the service.

      Estimating Fare

      Automatic service estimation is supported by the app which will be estimated according to the capacity, distance, and types of goods.


      Get access to all booking history directly from the app.

      Driver Panel

      Simple Registration
      Quick registration is enabled in the app using a different credential.
      Rapid Verification
      Complete the verification period quickly just by uploading all the required documents in the app.
      Active/Inactive State:

      Easy toggle of inactive and active mode which will help the drivers to reject or accept any request for the service.

      Customer Management-icon

      Easy access to customer support will help the drivers to guide through the emergency.

      Logistic Information

      After successfully accepting any service, the driver will get access to customer contact details, pickup and drop location, and various other details directly from the app.

      GPS live map will help the drivers to navigate to the route map easily.
      Alert Notifications
      Push Notifications
      Every time driver will get a status update of any changes in service from the customer.

      The driver will get access to trips, earnings, and various other details from the dashboard section.

      Dispatcher Dashboard

      Management of Trucks and Drivers
      The dispatcher can easily manage the driver’s movements, checking the documents of the driver as well as monitoring all the operations.
      Assign Drivers
      They will be allowed to assign any drivers to take any service requests instantly.
      Alert Notifications
      Push Notifications

      Dispatches will get all up-to-date notifications for various services.

      Analytics And Reports
      Reports and Analytics
      Get the complete reports and analysis of the number of trucks been dispatched for the service.
      Find trucks easily
      Monitor Status of Trucks:

      Easy access to tracking the whereabouts of the truck including mileage and the condition of the truck.

      Admin Dashboard


      Admin will get to overview all the earnings and operations of the business directly from the dashboard.

      Monitor Price
      Get to monitor the price of the service including shipping and cancellation charges.
      Content Management
      Content Management
      Ability to change any in-app content according to the preference of the admin.
      Alert Notifications
      Push Notifications
      Get the complete notification and updates about drivers and customers directly from the app.
      Manage Refunds
      Easy analysis of all the refund cases and handling made easier from the app.
      Analytics And Reports
      Reports and Analytics
      Get all the analytics and reports of all the performances in operations happening on daily basis.

      Reasons to Choose
      Porter Clone App Development

      We have listed all the best reasons to choose Next Big Technology’s Porter Clone App Development for your business.

      Readily Customizable
      Completely Customization
      Easily branding and customization of the Next Big Technology’s Porter Clones can be done.
      Fully Responsive
      The app is designed to be responsive will let the users have easy access to all the features.
      Ready to Propel Solution
      The app is infused with all the latest features and can be instantly deployed into the platforms.
      Highly Scalable
      Fully Scalable
      With complete scalable support, the app can be easily used in any smartphone device is no matter the screen size.
      Full Support
      Get complete app development support from the beginning of the development to the post-launch.
      Simple payments
      Payment Systems
      Get the best payment options with a secure gateway for every service purchase.

      Tech Stack


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