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      Payday Loan App Development Cutting-Edge Loan App Development

      Get your advance payday loan app to provide services in all kinds of financial needs for the users. Get the automatic technology that will help to give the best functionalities to the users with the loan.
      Payday Loan App-banner-img1

      Payday Loan App Development Services

      Next Big Technology’s Payday Loan App gives the best financial solution by granting instant loans to the people who are in requirement for immediate cash. These loans are the borrowed money that will be eventually paid within a few days by the payment of the user. The payment will be collected from the paycheck of the user directly from the bank. Charge a nominal amount of interest for getting the payment back with the principal amount before the due date. This app is one of the best severe contour requirements of immediate cash emergency.

      Notable Features of
      Payday Loan App Development Solution

      These are the best possible features is being offered by the Next Big Technology’s Payday LoanApp to the users.
      Register to the app using the email id or phone number to give the property details to the app admin.
      Create Profiles
      Create your profile successfully by providing all the required details to the app server to complete the registration.
      Upload Documents
      Various documents get to be uploaded in the app for future reference of the instant loan approval.
      E-KYC need to be fulfilled by uploading various documents along with video conference to verify the documents.
      Loan Limit Calculator:
      The loan limit calculator from City will ensure the amount you will receive according to the documents been verified through the KYC.
      Interest Rate Calculator
      Interest rate calculator functionality will calculate the interest on the principal amount which is being approved by the app.
      Apply for Loans
      Easily apply for any loan amount according to your requirement which will be approved instantly by the app.
      Loan Status
      Check the loan status directly from the app to avoid any kind of penalty or pending amount to be paid.
      Bank Transfers
      Link Bank Accounts
      Users will need to be linked to their bank account to the app to receive money directly into their bank account. The same will happen for the money being deducted from the bank account for the payment.
      The amount will get automatically debited from the bank account once your paycheck is received into the bank for the payment of the loan.
      Push Notifications
      Get notified with the push notification functionality for all future payments and alerts from the app.
      Help and Support
      Get complete help and support from the app with proper customer service by confirming all the queries and clearing out various issues.

      Development Process of
      Payday Loan App Development

      These are the basic working process of Next Big Technology’s Payday Loan app which will be ensured with every development. Get the complete overview of the features which we have listed below.
      Project assessment
      Project Assessment
      We will completely understand the client’s requirement by engaging with the business demand in the meeting. We will properly apply to the requirement and use all the tools and technologies for implementing the development process.
      Sleek UI-UX
      UI/UX Setup
      Get the best creative user interface service from the developers which will be integrated into the navigation system of the app. This will help the user to easily access the various function it is in the app without any hassle.
      100% Customization
      Back End Customization
      Our team of developers is skilled and experienced and will use all the advanced tools and technologies for backend customization and setup. Developers will customize the app according to the business model and the requirements of all the APIs integrated into the app.
      Testing and Launch
      After the app is completely developed it will go through various kinds of testing including bugfix and glitch resolve phase before being deployed. That app will be deployed into various measures platforms which will globally increase your business.

      Tech Stack


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