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      P2P Payment App Development

      Get the most reliable P2P payments app which with a short period. This is one of the not robust solutions with the seamless experience provided to the users.

      Next Big Technology’s P2P Payment App Development

      The finance sector is having revolutionary advancements in technology for quick money transfer with advanced Peer-to-peer or P2P payment app. These apps will allow the user to transfer funds immediately from one account to another. It will also enable the transfer of money between countries without any problem. Every payment application is having confidential information regarding the users which is why it is having end to end encryption and other security measures to ensure proper security.
      Application is having proper security including fingerprint lock and facial recognition. Payment apps are one of the most trendings in the finance sector and are used by the majority of people around the globe. We are inviting promising entrepreneurs to join this segment by customizing and launching their own P2P payments app. We will give the proper solution at affordable prices at the best possible experience.

      Features of P2P Payment App Development

      These are the best possible features is being offered by Next Big Technology’s P2P Payment App Development to the users.
      Register to the app using the email id or phone number to give the proper details to the app admin.
      KYC needs to be fulfilled by uploading various documents along with video conferences to verify the documents.
      Link bank accounts
      Users will need to be linked to their bank account to the app to receive money directly into their bank account. The same will happen for the money being deducted from the bank account for the payment.
      Send payments
      Transfer funds using the e-wallet or linked bank account to another account easily. Even add a nominal transaction fee for transferring money to another bank.
      Unique ID/OTP
      Every completion of the transaction will require a unique ID or OTP for authenticating the payment.
      Share bills
      Share the bills with others using the third-party app. Users can even scan the bill and share it easily.
      Generate invoice
      After the payment is done, the app will automatically generate a payment invoice. It can be shared with anyone and can be downloaded for documentation purposes.
      In-app notifications
      Get notified with the push notification functionality for all future payments and alerts from the app.
      Fingerprint lock
      To secure all the confidential information of the user the app will be using a fingerprint lock to protect it. This will ensure that the device to be accessed by the user with the respective accounts.

      Reason to Choose
      P2P Payment App Development

      Next Big Technology is one of the bestdevelopers’ teams for app development services. We have listed all the possible reasons to choose Next Big Technology’s P2P Payment App Development.
      White-Label Solution
      The development of the app is completely white-labeled and can be rebranded according to the preference of the client.
      Scalable Product
      The application is completely scalable which will ensure to modify into any future evolving environment.
      Proficient Team
      We are having the best app developers in the project which will ensure the best possible quality of the delivery.
      App Rejection Support
      Apart from the app development we also provide complete assistance for the launching of the app into various smartphone platforms. In case any of the following reasons make the app rejected we will ensure to clear out the issue.
      Cost-Effective, Short TAT
      We will be offering budget-friendly packages for the app with proper implementation of functions and scalability.
      Free Technical Support
      We will provide free cost to technical maintenance for a limited time after the proper deployment of the app. App owners can avail themselves of the paid maintenance service after the period is over.

      Development Process of
      P2P Payment App

      These are the basic working process of Next Big Technology’s P2P Payment App Development which will be ensured with every development.
      01. Finalize on the app type
      We will completely understand the client’s requirement by engaging with the business demand in the meeting. We will properly apply to the requirement and use all the tools and technologies for implementing the development process.
      02. Jot down the features
      Our team of developers is skilled and experienced and will use all the advanced tools and technologies for backend customization and setup. Developers will customize the app according to the business model and the requirements of all the APIs integrated into the app.
      03. Check on the security issues
      The new app entering into the finance business will keep every security check-in concernedwith providing the best possible service. We will also be including two-factor authentication, fingerprint access, face recognition, and various other security features in the app.
      04. Follow regulatory compliance
      Every app needs to follow various regulatory procedures to have specific functionality. We will make sure to include regulatory compliance for hassle-free deployment.
      05. Dive into the app development
      Our team will be offering more you the best accessibility with an experienced developers’ team to deploy the app. They will be using all the advanced tools and technologies to provide the most reliable payment application for the business.
      06. Test and deploy the app
      After the app is completely developed it will go through various kinds of testing including bugfix and glitch resolve phase before being deployed. That app will be deployed into various measures platforms which will globally increase your business.

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