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      Greetzly Clone - Develop Premium Celebrity Video sharing App With NBT

      Allow the users to communicate with their absolute favourite icons and send customized video messages.

      Greetzly Clone-banner-img

      Greetzly Clone
      Earn Revenue With A Celebrity Video Interactions App

      Launch a particular celebrity video-sharing application, such as Greetzly, that helps users to communicate with their own favourite celebrities. They will request highly personalized greetings, get answers to their particular questions, and communicate through 1-to-1 video calls. In this application Users can share all the videos they receive mostly from their pop idols upon various social media platforms.

      Our Greetzly clone is indeed a ready-made built solution that allows you to jump right into this booming market. With our particular top-notch Greetzly clone, you will quickly become a million-dollar corporation. To get started, please contact us.

      Advanced Features Of Our Greetzly Clone App

      Celebrity Profiles
      User Account

      Supporters can indeed create and maintain their own profiles, including personal and perhaps contact information.

      Follow Artists
      Follow Favourite Artists

      Fans can easily follow their absolute favourite content creators and otherwise receive notifications about upcoming events or otherwise releases.

      Like, Share & Comment

      Fans can interact with the content shared by the particular artists they follow by liking it. They may also make comments on them.

      Take Pledge
      Take Vow

      Supporters should make a promise for an artist or a whole post in a particular amount that is needed or predetermined.

      View Rewards
      Explore Rewards

      The rewards won for each and every pledge are highlighted here for the convenience of supporters.

      Payment History-2
      Payment History

      Fans can actually view the total payment details that have been processed for their own favourite artists.

      Cancel Pledge
      Cancel Pledge

      Supporters should revoke their commitments at any time. They may also lower the particular pledge amount if necessary.

      Social Media Integration
      Social Media Integration

      Supporters really can boost their popularity by linking their particular social media accounts once again to their own profiles.

      Switch To Artists
      Switch To Artists

      Supporters will change their user profiles instead to artists and begin earning money by just sharing the creative content.

      Why Choose NBT For Greetzly Clone App?

      Edge Solutions
      Ready-To-Use Solutions

      Our clone application is a ready-to-use solution which can be easily tailored and released to the market. It gives you a business advantage because it allows you to further deploy your services more quickly.

      Scalable source codes
      Completely Modifiable Source Codes

      NBT try to provide the application’s modifiable open source code as now part of our own application development package. This possible way, you can easily make future improvements to the app.

      Sleek design-2
      Intuitive UI/UX

      The application’s user interface is simple and easy to use, ensuring a pleasant user experience. The branding basic elements are tailored to your company’s needs.

      Scalable Solution
      Fully Scalable

      The mobile app we create has a high level of scalability, allowing you to easily make changes to the application. You will be able to keep up with the constantly changing user preferences and the business climate in this manner.

      Go global
      Support Multiple Languages & Currencies

      To help you in scaling your company worldwide, clone applications of NBT are somehow integrated with particularly multilingual and otherwise multi-currency options. Your regular users should access the application’s content in their native or preferred language and perhaps pay instead in their own preferred currency.

      Short TAT
      Less Turnaround Time (TAT)

      Because it is a fully ready possible solution, our particular Greetzly clone application can be easily customized and otherwise submitted now for application launch in the shortest possible time.

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